
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

The end of another year - the start of a brand new blank, clean, fresh one. It is always fun to look back at our year - and look ahead to what might be coming. The hope and expectations of good times, family fun, friends, projects and unexpected joys.

We've had a different kind of year - starting in February we dealt mostly with Don's open heart surgery to repair a badly damaged mitral valve. Before the surgery in June they didn't know if it was a repair or replacement - but the surgeon worked miracles and repaired a vavle that he said was in such bad shape that no one could live with it - yet Don had, and without any symptoms of heart disease such as shortness of breath or chest pain. He spent 10 days in the hospital and was at home for 3 weeks before he was able to go back to work part time - much sooner than they had predicted. His recovery have been nothing short of miraculous and he is back to normal, or should I say, better than normal.

It has been a year of birthdays and anniversaries and fun holiday celebrations- making great memories.

A year of flowers . . .

And a year of travel - real and imagined . . .

A year of hard things to tackle . . .

And a year of things going smoothly . . .

A super year at the thrift shops . . .

A year of the simple joys of life - Grampy and Ben - enjoying a book and some nuts . .

A year of angels watching over us . . .

And a year with much too much snow . . .

A year of birds . . .

A year of quilts - mine and my friends' quilts . . .

A year of just plain fun . . .
And a year of animals - large and small . . .

A year of old men in tree stumps . . .

Of fairies . . .

And ferries . . .

A year of cousins (Don, on the right, in the lower left photo with his cousin Bob (on the left), visiting from Wisconsin - a year ago - but just couldn't resist that cousin photo).

A year of old barns and old houses and old cars . . .

And a year of winning prizes and receiving gifts in the mail from friends far and near . .

A year of unexpected joy and unplanned fun . . .

We look forward to new experiences and more fun in the coming year. We like to end our old year with some fun New Years Eve traditions. I hope you enjoy them as much as we have enjoyed doing them over the years.

On New Years Eve - place pennies in all your shoes. This is to bring good luck into your life for the coming year.

Throw a glass of water out the door at midnight - to signify being rid of tears for the new year.

Eat 12 raisins at midnight - one at each stroke of the clock, one for each coming month - for good health in the new year.

Hide money outdoors before midnight - and make sure it is the first thing you bring inside in the New Year. The first thing you do after midnight is what you will do all year.

Don't sweep your floors or take out the trash on New Years Day - or things will be leaving your house all through the year. I like that - no cleaning on New Years Day - a good day to relax.

Write a note to someone who won't be expecting it - tell them you love them or appreciate them - or give them praise for something that most people did not notice them doing this past year. I always make sure I have a supply of notecards and stamps so I have no reason to delay writing notes - and it is a good activity for starting a new year.

Practice a random act of kindness, or two, to start the year off right.

Let's give hugs - or lend a helping hand, let's notice someone who needs a smile, or let's hand some money to that cold, lonely man on the street corner who has had to bear ugly looks and mean comments all day long, and still he is so desperate that he will endure all this to try and bring a little money to his family. And let's give him another smile - it might just be the thing that will make his day. Let's wave to our neighbor - or better yet - let's bake some cookies or a pie and take it to them, just because.

May your year be blessed - and may you find many exciting adventures as you start your new year.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Comfort Quilts

This is more about my online/local group of quilters - Loose Threads. When someone in our group needs a hug or two, we make them a comfort quilt. There are many reasons - births, surgeries, the passing of loved ones, a new house, a celebration or a stressful incident - most any reason is a good reason for a comfort quilt. One can never be too generous - and presenting the quilt to a member brings joy all around.

Anyone who is able to, makes a block or two. We almost always use the Jake's Heart block - in colors that the recipient likes. The blocks are sent to the person who has volunteered to put the top together - and there is a deadline for sending the blocks. After the top is assembled it is sent on to one of our fantastic machine quilters. Someone else buys the backing, or gives money to buy it, and after it is quilted another member binds it and then we find a convenient time and place to present the quilt - although two have had to be sent through the mail - which works too.

So let's see all the quilts we've made . . . in no particular order, as I've forgotten just when we presented each quilt.

Daisy - receiving her comfort quilt . . .

Daisy's quilt in her sewing room . . .

For Tina . . .

For Billie . . .

Chris's quilt . . .

Fergie . . .

Brandy's - on graduation from nursing school . . .

JoAnn U. got cats on her comfort quilt . . .

Kristina . . .

For Lila's new house - we all made house blocks . . .

Mary's comfort quilt . . .

Mary's daughter Beckie - this quilt was made in one afternoon, not long after Beckie's para sailing accident . . .

Michelle receiving her comfort quilt before the birth of her third baby . . .

The back of Michelle's quilt - click to enlarge and see the pink leopard print . . .

Housewarming quilt made by Loose Threads group when we bought our new house . . . made with my favorite fabrics, 30s reproductions . . .

Robin's quilt . . .

Sheila's quilt . . .

Sonya's quilt . . .

Vickie receiving her comfort quilt . . .

Gayle's quilt . . .

It is such fun to make and give these quilts - they are always a surprise - just part of the fun of doing them. What a wonderful bunch of ladies in this group.