
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Grandson's Lone Star Quilts - the last three Lone Stars

Continuing on with our saga of ten Lone Star Quilts

In April, 2012 our son and daughter-in-law were making plans to come and visit us in June,  Jamie was going to a Librarians' convention in Los Angeles - so the whole family would go to the conference and then come here for a visit.  We had not seen them since last October - when Donnie was four months old - we were excited.

But I didn't have all the quilts finished - none of them were quilted and the three for the grandsons had not even been started.  I had figured they wouldn't be coming for at least another year - so quilt finishing went into overdrive.  Julie, in Idaho began quilting and quilting on her machine - we met one day in Eastern WA where we were spending a few vacation days and she gave me four of the quilts, finished and ready to bind.  She went home to quilt on the other two quilts - and I came home to feverishly begin work on the three Lone Stars for the grandsons. 

I picked the fabrics online-  that was easy - except that the fabric for two of the quilts was brand new, had not been manufactured and was still on pre-order - but  I placed my orders anyway, because they were the perfect fabrics,  and hoped the fabric would come in time to get the last three quilts done.  One fabric was baseballs, and that I ordered immediately.  Another was planets and the universe and as the time drew closer the delivery date kept being changed, from April - to May/June and then to August, and the quilt store told me that the manufacturer was notoriously slow in sending fabrics - so I ordered different universe fabric - and it arrived in three days.  The next problem was - Star Wars fabric - it is perfect for Ben - but it is a brand new fabric and wouldn't be printed until May - so that is ok - I can work on the other two quilts - and finish the Star Wars one for Ben just in time for company arriving.

I decided this time that I didn't have time to piece each point of the star like for the adults' quilts - so changed the plan so that each point was solid fabric - and laying it out and cutting it so the fabric print formed a design  when sewed into the Lone Star.  Baseball quilt done - and I have to find a closer quilter - there now wasn't time to send the quilts to Idaho and get them back in time to bind.  My friend Susannah told me about Peggy, in Anacortes - Susannah had been having her quilts done by Peggy for years - and when I called, Peggy said she had time and could do a rush order on the three last quilts (all are bedsize, so that is lots of quilting).

- Pictures soon -

The baseball quilt for Donnie was pieced - off to Peggy to machine quilt - then the planet quilt was done - and off to Peggy and I picked up Donnie's quilt.  At last the Star Wars fabric arrived - from  Fort Worth Fabric Studio.  I have been in contact with them about the need to have the fabric right away - and she put my name at the top of the list and mailed the Star Wars fabric the day it arrived in her shop, and it arrived here in a few days. If you ever need  special fabric or need it quickly - that's the place to shop.

All this time I had been working on the bindings of all nine Lone Star quilts - and to say the least - I was glad when all were bound and the last label was put on the last quilt - now my family could gather and I could present the quilts that had for several years now, been a surprise. It was hard to hide all nine bed quilts in our house - I made pillowcases for each quilt and stored them in the backs of closets and under beds - hoping no one would discover them  I was ready - I was DONE.

Then two days before their flight in June, Donnie came down with the chicken pox - oh  no - you can't fly with chicken pox - so with some figuring and fixing we got refunds on the tickets (love that flight insurance) and made plans to have them fly out later in the year.

I wanted to present the quilts when the whole family was together - which does not happen very often.  It worked out great that they hadn't come in June, because our oldest daughter and her family had to go to Olympia to help with a family emergency and they would have missed most of the June visit.

Finally,  in  early Sept they arrived from WV - a long flight with a 16 month is tiring - but they were happy to be here - and we were too.

One Sunday when everyone was here we had a fabulous day - first was Jahn-Zyel's birthday party in the park, then friends came to visit with Jamie and Rusty (friends they had made while living in Tacoma - before moving to WV).  Next - home to get dressed up in our picture takin' clothes and at 5 - family portrait time.  After the portraits, which was a lot of fun - clowning and silly faces and good faces too - we came indoors and I presented the quilts - what a fabulous day it was - everything went smoothly and all had a grand time.

Donnie's baseball quilt - held by mama and daddy

Donnie was busy taking phone calls on anything he touched - I think this is a postcard in his hand

Peggy quilted circles to echo the baseballs in the fabric

Ben and  his Star Wars quilt - sitting with Auntie Lori.  Grampy is sitting behind them, holding his wrapped quilt.  I had them open the quilts one at a time - so I could really enjoy  it.

Jahn on the left - opening out his quilt - Ben in the chair with Auntie Lori.  Pile of shoes in between - lots of big shoes in this family.

Star Wars border and quilting - notice that Peggy made quilted stars.

I fussy cut the points of the stars to make a design in the center

Jahn and his Universe Lone Star

Stars and swirls quilted on the universe

And of course Grammy had a special reward for special boys - Lego sets to put together while the adults were busy getting dinner ready - which was to be a BBQ on our new deck.

Donnie would rather play with the paper and boxes

It was a most fabulous day!!

Donnie's baseball quilt

Jahn-Zyel's Universe Quilt

And Ben's Star Wars Quilt.

Don't you think Peggy did a fabulous job on getting these last three quilts done?

You can click HERE to read all about the Lone Star Quilt Project.  And the other 7 Lone Star Quilts that I made.