
Friday, November 9, 2007


I started this Hawaiian quilt in 2001. It is the only UFO that I have, except for about 100 redwork squares, but they can't be called a UFO since I still don't have enough of them to make the quilt top that I want to make. Guess they are pre-UFOs.

This quilt was going to be a wedding gift, until I found out that the intended recipients didn't like this type of quilt, so I worked on it for a while, then put it away, since it didn't have a destination. A few months ago I got it out and put the blocks together and added a border and I've been deciding on what to put on the border - and I've finally got a plan. I am going to put jumping dolphins along each edge - and palm trees in each corner.

The whole quilt is done in reverse applique - needle turn. If I did regular applique the white seams would show up where they were turned under. I drew on the borders of jumping dolphins and as I was beginning the first dolphin I realized that the way I had drawn them, all the dolphins on three sides would be upside down - their heads pointing to the floor. That would really bug me, so I am in the process of redrawing the design so the dolphins are jumping up, towards the ceiling, when the quilt is on the bed. The top border will have them jumping towards the head of the bed - so all dolphins are right side up.

There is a thin line of white that will resemble a wave, so the border will be wavy and I'll bind it in that same wave. I love scalloped looking edges on a quilt.

It will take some time to get all those dolphins appliqued - but it will be very pretty when it is all finished.


  1. sounds like it'll be very very effective when done. Good for you pulling out this beautiful piece of work and finding a "new" purpose for it :-)

  2. I really like it. I am normally not for Hawaiian quilts, but this one really works for me.

  3. I can't wait to see the quilt when it's finished. LOTS of work!

  4. Can't wait to see it finished. Very nice!

  5. I can't wait to see how this turns out, I'm always drawn to hawaiin quilts. Beautiful


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