
Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Almost our whole family spent last weekend in Chilliwack, British Columbia at a wonderful lodge. We missed our son and daughter-in-law, who live in West Virginia - but both our daughters and their families were there.

We drove up on Friday afternoon - had a 50 minute wait at the border, but met up with our youngest daughter and her family while in line. A quick stop at Costco just over the border to stock up on eggs, cheese, fruits and vegetables - and an ice cream sundae break - for the weekend and then on to the lodge. It sits high on a hillside and it was snowing by the time we arrived. Notice the optomistic lawn chairs by our car while unpacking in the snow.

By the time everything was unloaded and lugged upstairs in the lodge - it was a real blizzard. Our two grandsons enjoyed the snow, as only a 3 year old and a 6 year old can do. The rest of us were happy to build fires in the fireplaces and snuggle in.

We had a grand time - talking, cooking, eating, laughing, playing with the boys, more cooking and eating and just general fun.

The views were spectacular - with mountains in the background and the city and farms spread out below us. The whole valley was lit up at night. Jahn, our six year old grandson, told me very seriously at breakfast on Saturday that "those mountains are in Australia, or maybe Alaska"

I took along my crazy quilt and got a few stitches done on Saturday - but that was all - too much going on to really sit and concentrate on stitching. I'd much rather be playing with the boys.

The boys had fun with their new play tables and play dough. Spending a lot of time inventing new animals and things to play with. You can see one of the fireplaces in the background - our main source of heat. Now I remember why we converted from wood heat in one of our homes several years back - it is a lot of work to keep a house warm with wood - though it is a most pleasant heat

Jahn, working on a 500 piece puzzle - quite a feat for a 6 year old, but he did get most of the edge together by himself, with a little help from Grammy and Pop. Then he decided it was time for some exercise in the den.

The falls behind the lodge - high on another hill.

Saturday morning we woke up to 4 inches of snow - and Jahn was outdoors first thing, before breakfast, so Grammy had to follow with the camera, though sometimes I just peeked out the door and took a picture - Grammy wasn't as brave as Jahn.

The snow didn't last very long - it was all melted by mid afternoon, but the boys and Grampy had several walks down the road - and several snow ball fights.

Our cowboys, riding the range - yeeehaw!!!!

Jahn was proud that he was taller than this tree. This was just before we left, and you can see that all the snow was melted, but it was still very cold.

Everyone went their separate ways after we got packed up and everything loaded in the cars. (Ben wanted to drive Aunti Lori's car) One daughter's family went straight home, another went to Harrison Hot Springs to see some friends and Don and I drove to a Heron preserve not too far away. The herons are nesting right now so most of the preserve is off limits to keep from disturbing the nesting birds. It was windy and cold - but we found some sun warmed benches by a small pond.

The bird is an Audubon Yellow Rumped Warbler. It is a new bird for us and if I had been a few inches over I would have gotten all of him in the photo. He spent a lot of time flitting in and out of the dead reeds right near us. We saw several herons flying over, and one bald eagle.

The tile is in the sidewalk by the visitors center.

Then it was back in the warm car and the ride home - with a 45 minute wait at the border again - really adds to the trip time. It was a fun weekend and we are looking forward to going to Ocean Shores, in S. WA with our son-in-law's family in August. I just love these family get-aways.

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