
Monday, May 5, 2008


Now that sounds like fence doesn't it? But that is the number of posts I've made since I started this blog. I see others who are having give-aways for their 300th post - like Kristie - at Cowgirl Quilter, and the finished drawing at the Old Red Barn - but I fear I'll never get to those kinds of numbers. Thirty three is such a small number - but I've had fun doing it.

I am still working on the butterfly quilt - seems to go on and on and on. I got a few of the blocks pinned together before my grandson Ben got here this morning - he is spending the day with me. He is napping right now - not a daily occurance any more - but more than welcome when it does happen. We had a great time playing outdoors for a while - then after he went down his slide he said - yaaaay I did it - let's go indoors and have some ice cream - so in we came.

I haven't shown photos of my crazy quilt yet - so now is a good time to do that - since I have nothing new to show.
I started working on this quilt in late 2005, did a lot in 2006, and then it has had some short stretches of work and some longer stretches.

Closer look at the spiderweb. It is traditional for crazy quilts to have a spider and spider web someplace on the quilt.

I work on this from time to time - it is nice for take-along, but is getting so big now it isn't as easy as when it was first started. I am making this out of my hand painted fabrics, which are 100% cotton, so I decided to only use cotton floss for the embroidery. It will be bed-size when I'm finally done.

A friendly butterfly
From time to time I get caught up in the beading frenzy while looking at crazy quilts that are more embellished than mine, but then I calm down and go back to my original plan. So far it is working out well.

I don't necessarily want to work on this project continually - I need time for inspiration to hit so I can do more stitches. I look at other crazy quilts, have one book of embellishing stitches, and make up some of the designs myself. If I work on it too much at a time it feels like I am only repeating stitches - and I don't like that feeling. If I have some time between sessions then I feel that each stitch is new - even though it might not be. I especially like doing the couching (in white in the photo above) and French knots.

Happy quilting all!!


  1. Your crazy quilt is gorgeous! Great job.

  2. Lovely! Your hand dyes look fabulous in these blocks. How big is this?


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