
Tuesday, June 24, 2008


On June 17 I gave a trunk show of my quilts for the Chilliwack, BC quilt guild.

Don and I went up to BC on the 16th - to avoid a long delay at the border the morning of the 17th, since the meeting started at 10 a.m. and we didn't want to be late. Sometimes the border crossing takes over an hour - although on Monday it just took 40 minutes - a new record for crossing there, for us. We crossed at Abbotsford. It is about an hour's trip from Bellingham to Chilliwack - if you don't add in the border crossing.

We did a little sight seeing on Monday- enjoying a most fabulous weather day. As you can tell in my previous posts, we've been inundated with rain this spring, with only a few days here and there that were sunny - but Monday was one of those take-a-deep-breath and enjoy the sunshine day!!! We re-visited a Heron reserve, took a nice long walk - in the sunshine this time - and enjoyed all the birds and flowers. We actually saw more Bald Eagles flying over than herons - it was great. The CA poppies and wild roses were fabulous. There was a bus full of school children there - running about and enjoying the glorious day. Too nice of a day to stay in a stuffy old school room.

There were a few ducks on the pond, but we didn't see any up close. This is one of the places we stopped to sit on a bench - they have benches all over the reserve and a tower to climb to get a better view of the land.

On the way to the Heron Reserve we saw a yard full of some of the strangest sculptures. This one had a mail box that said "Hammer Metals" - guess they meant it.

We got to our host's house about 3 and spent some time just sitting and visiting. Jeanne is the guild member that scheduled the trunk show and she had quite an interesting home. In her basement is a huge room with a long arm quilting machine, stacks of fabrics and wonderful projects. Then in the adjacent room, not quite as big, but just as interesting was her card making room. She is quite clever and re-uses old cards to make some stunning cards, which she often uses as gifts. I got a lot of good ideas from her - and plan to make some cards of my own soon.

Then we went out to dinner with Jeanne and her best friend Penny, and Penny's husband Marvin. We got to pick the restaurant from several Jeanne had chosen, and we picked a Bavarian restaurant from the choices she gave us - and a good one it was indeed. Don and I ordered one plate of Schnitzel and split it - and it was more than the two of us could eat. The meat lapped over two edges of the huge platter it was served on. I should have had my camera with me then, to take a picture. The food was delicious and then we sat at talked at the table for a couple hours - it was great fun.

The next morning we were up early to get to the meeting hall and get the Power Point projector set up - and all the quilts - I took 30 - displayed. The presentation went very well, I spoke for an hour and 15 minutes and the ladies enjoyed the slide show about my quilt journey - and after the presentation they asked many questions and viewed the quilts. Don ran the projector for me - and helped with hauling the quilts in and out.

We thoroughly enjoyed the ladies we met - that is one guild that is chock full of sweet ladies - and so friendly and helpful. They have a quilt show in 2009 and we are already planning on attending.

This was the guild's raffle quilt a couple years ago, made by Penny and quilted by the guild. It is folded roses. I can't wait to see the one for 2009.

On the way back to the border we discovered we didn't have Don's driver's license - and we'd never get back across the border without it - so after much searching of purse and pockets and every inch of the car, we had no choice but to head back to Chilliwack and look for it. We drove into the parking lot and there is was - face down on the pavement - looking like a scrap of paper. Ohhhh big sigh of relief. Don has security clearance at the border for his job - but we weren't sure if that would get us back into WA. So back to the border and when we got there a train was passing by and we had to wait about 6 minutes for the train and then we were the first in line at the border - a one minute crossing - now that is a record we won't ever beat!!!


    Would love 2 have u join us!

  2. I'm so glad you posted about your trip! Have friends coming from Oz in Sept. and they will be weaving back and forth across the border all the way to east coast. I hope we don't besmirch our friendly reputation! KalamaQuilts

  3. I have really enjoyed my visit to your blog. Thanks for sharing about your trip. It sounds like lots of fun! I will be back to visit soon.

  4. Sounds like you had a great time. Lucky find on that driver's license. Yes, this weather is spectacular. I made strawberry jam yesterday after church - we've waited so long for those berries, now they are spectacular!

    We're camping over the 4th - fingers crossed for no rain - temps aren't an issue.
    Good quilty wishes,

    Nana Marne


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