
Monday, July 28, 2008


Ohhh - look what I got from Tami in our Pay It Forward outing. I had signed up on her blog some time ago and so was completely surprised when this nice little packet came in the mail. It is nice to forget about something and then have it suddenly appear. If you haven't visited Tami at her cute blog - be sure and stop by.

The knitted dish cloth is soft as can be - and will come in very handy. The tea towel with the blue flower applique is so clever - and Ben said he likes "the little bumpedy pillows" - the tea mug coasters - the best. They have spices inside and when you put your hot cup of tea on them - you get such a sweet scent.

Thanks so much for the package Tami - I will really enjoy using everything in my new kitchen.


  1. Those are cute. I would like some of the tea coasters please.

  2. Hi JoAnn
    Hope you are going to participate in Thankful Thursday. I have put a picture of a daisy on my sidebar, so readers will just click on that and the list of participants will be there. You can copy the photo if you like. I couldn't figure out how to get the words Thankful Thursday actually on the picture!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  3. Hi JoAnn, just popping in to say "hi" and thank you for stopping by over at Pieces. It's always nice to see a new face *VBS*
    I have to say I love that early quilt of yours with the lime green ala '60s...*VBS*
    i'm curious to know what part of WI you lived in?
    3 years ago when I began my blog there were no visiters from WI, now there are quite a few from all over the state. Love the PIF gifts, very lovely and useful. Hugs, Finn

  4. What a wonderful treat to make your day. Surprises can be so fun.


Thanks for stopping by!