
Thursday, July 24, 2008


This is a good day to be thankful - Rhondi - at
has started a Thankful Thursday and I have a lot to be thankful for.

Today I'm thankful for feeling good - yesterday was one of those days when the flu had overwhelmed me - but with the help of some little yellow pills from the accupuncturist (the pills speed you through the flu or a cold), a good night of sweating it all out, and the help of Don with the housework that I didn't get done - I am feeling my old self again - thankful for that.

I'm thankful for the deer in my yard - there is a mother and baby right now - the spots are so cute this time of year. I'm also thankful that, so far, they haven't eaten my daisies - though the mother is standing near them and chewing suspiciously.

I am thankful for bubbles

And for little boys who run and play in them

And little boys who smile in the summer

And for my camera that sometimes takes wonky pictures of bubbles. I don't know how that happened - but the picture makes me smile too.

All in all - a good Thankful Thursday. And thanks to Rhondi for starting this.

Happy quilting and bubbles


  1. JoAnn, I love the picture of the fawn. Isn't nature just wonderful!

  2. Nice pictures, darling fawn and darling children.

  3. Thanks for coming by and commenting on my Scam post. You know I would have to come and check you out. Love your blog...I'll be visiting again... Bubbles and Boys.. what fun!!


Thanks for stopping by!