
Monday, August 25, 2008


Recently Don had a two week vacation - we didn't do much travelling, stayed close to home and had a lot of fun. A couple days we had Ben over for the day - and that is always fun

Having pizza and milk - he likes to sit ON the table instead of next to it.

Grammy has a big bag of bananas!

Time for a ride on my bike - watch out for me!

Grampy and Ben taking a walk/ride.

Playing Grammy's piano - singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to any song.

One evening of vacation was spent at the Bellingham Bells Baseball game. Both grandsons had a great time. We sat out on the grass in the family section and they could run around all they wanted. We ate hot dogs, hamburgers, ice crearm bars, nachos, peanuts and a couple other "good" foods.

I forgot to slip the scan disk back into my camera so all I had was the in-camera memory so got very few pictures of the ballgame - drat. We only go once a year, so I missed a good opportunity for pictures.

When we entered the ballpark they asked Jahn if he would like to race the Chicken - the local mascot and he said sure. They pick one kid and after the first inning they race around the bases with the chicken - and of course the kid wins.

Jahn in his Seattle Mariners outfit. He is ready for anything.

Jahn is the little kid in red - they give you a huge jersey and a batting helmet to wear and the batting helmet kept falling off so he had to hold it on. The Chicken (named Cluck) was waiting at secon base for Jahn to catch up.

Jahn racing ahead of Cluck and getting to home base first. And this is where I ran out of space for any other photos. Jahn got a Bellingham Bells water bottle for winning - it was great fun. When he got back to where we were sitting all the people around us cheered for him - he loved it.

Even Grampa Bear got in on the vacation action with a nice cup of tea and his own lawn chair. The weather was superb during vacation - in the mid 70s and sunny almost every day. The last day of vacation it rained, but we had a nice cozy stay-inside kind of day.

It was a great vacation.

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