
Friday, September 19, 2008


Wow - what a week - one week ago today I was rushed to the ER - tests, xrays, CT scans, ultra sound, proceedure to remove gall stones Friday night - rest up on Sat. then gall bladder surgery on Sunday at 7 a.m. - like I said - what a week.!!! I got home Monday evening - doing super great - our daughters have been here to help out with cooking and cleaning and laundry - and entertaining mom - and today I am on my own - feel great - eating most things ok and looking forward to feeling completely better and getting back into quilting.

Since I'm not going to show you ANY pictures of the hospital stay (no one wants to see that) I will show you something pretty - just so you'll have a picture to look at.

A lake near our house - a peaceful morning!

A quiet cove on the lake.

And a grandson riding on his little bike - now that is enough to make anyone happy.

Hope your days are sunny - or sweetly full of soft drizzly rain like ours is today - and quilty!


  1. Happy to read you're on the mend! Whew, what a Wild Ride that was.

    *karendianne./ Living Life at LeeHaven

  2. Glad to see you up and running again! Sharyn/KalamaQuilts

  3. Hope you are feeling much better and so sorry you had the hospital stay. The pictures are just marvelous and what a cutie your grandson is.

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. It was nice to meet you.

    Oh I feel for you and the operation. I had to have that same thing done not to long ago. Not fun! But, I hear it's much better then how they used to do it.

    My mom had a really big scar from where they had to cut her open years and years ago.

    So I guess we are lucky.

    Hope you are back to normal in no time.


  5. Sorry to read about your wild ride, but glad you are back home. Hope you are feeling better every day. What a cutie patootie grandson you have. Are you able to see him often? We are waiting for grandbabies. My DH is so anxious to be a grandpapa! I hope you will be able to get back to your quilting soon.

  6. Hope you're feeling better soon JoAnn.

  7. Glad you are back to your old self. I had the same surgery 10 years ago, and it was no fun.

  8. Sorry you were sick but glad you are up and at it again.


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