
Sunday, October 19, 2008


I've been thinking about my blogging for a while now - it started out being mostly about quilting, or at least that was my intention. Recently I've noticed that my blogs about quilting are few and far between, and for my readers who follow my blog because they like to see the quilting entries, I would feel bad because there wasn't more about quilting going on.

Then my thoughts turned to my life - and I realize that quilting is not the main focus of my life. I admire those of you who turn out, and finish, quilt after quilt - sitting for hours at your machine piecing tops, quilting them on your own machines - but that is not me. I am a slow quilter - usually doing handwork, so there is little progress to show on a daily/weekly or even monthly basis.

Puffballs along the pathway!

I am also interested in doing a lot of different things, making pincushions for my Etsy shop, working of fairy projects, gardening, crocheting mittens for the needy, reading, beading, painting, sketching, angels, gnomes, deer, nature, photography - the list goes on and on and my studio reflects that mix of interests. I have many more craft supplies than I do fabric (I'm the one without the stash), and more projects lined up to work on that are crafty rather than quilty. Don't get me wrong - I still adore quilting, all aspects of it - it just isn't my main focus right now - so my blog will begin to reflect that - and I'll happily dispose of the guilt that I've been putting on myself for not posting more often about quilts. When I have some wonderful quilting news, I will certainly share it - but until then I shall blog away about my other interests and activities and let myself enjoy both the activity and the blogging.

And that brings me to the new banner on my blog. I took this photo in Whistler, BC last August when our family spent a fun weekend retreat there. Whistler is mainly a ski resort, though there was no snow in August and the main attraction for sports people was the downhill bike run - the bikers would haul their bikes up the mountain on the ski lift, then race scarily down the ski runs. We saw many of them coming off the mountain that day - wearing amazing amounts of protective gear, and good thing too, because many of them had bumps, bruises and scrapes from the rough ride down the mountain. They seemed to all enjoy it and it was thrilling to watch the very last part of their ride. There were groups of bikers walking through the streets - often carrying their bikes on their shoulders - another amazing sight.

The town of Whistler is wonderful to wander through and explore - so many sculptures and nature areas - besides the expected shopping and dining experiences available.

A wonderful shelf fungus - we used to call these Bear Bread when I was a kid in Alaska. We had a friend that would take a single "shelf" and paint scenery pictures on them. I had on with a fishing boat on it for years, until it began to biodegrade.

These pedestals with sculptures on them were all along the walkway by the river running through town. The water was a soft blueish grey from the soft rocks it flowed through.

A very impressive stone circle - with seating around the edges, can't you just see the fairies dancing in the moonlight?


  1. I've always wanted to go there. I hear it is just lovely and your photos show that to be true.

    What are those puff balls you show? How strange looking.


  2. Since I am not interested in quilting, I knew I wouldn't be interested in a blog about quilting. So how nice to discover that you are going to be writing about all aspects of your life.

    I'm adding you to my sidebar, because through this post and your e-mails to me, you sound like a cool person to get to know better.

  3. Lovely photos -- interesting post!!

  4. I have just publishing my post announcing the winners of my art contest and the winner of the drawing, and you won the drawing! Please email me with your address and I'll send you that pumpkin hatted gal.

  5. What NEAT photos. I'm sorry I didn't catch this sooner. I'm just catching up on things. I posted about SLOW QUILTING either yesterday or today (?) and its kinda hard because what else do I have to do but chores? But I'm trying!

  6. You should feel good about your blogging and your crafts. Do what makes you happy. We will all be happy reading your blog and sharing in your crafts, whatever they are. I cannot seem to get a lot of quilting done either, at least not as much as many other quilters. But I do enjoy reading their blogs, and lots of other blogs about crafting in general. Go in the direction your heart leads you and be happy.

  7. Your blog, your life. Do what makes you happy and enjoy the journey.

  8. Hi! I understand what you mean about blogging. Life is so multidimensional...I have many interests too. Sometimes my blog is all over the place with no focus.However I do enjoy all of it from quilting to art to various activities.
    Love your banner.


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