
Monday, December 22, 2008


Enough already - we had 7 more inches of snow again last night - our total on the ground is over 2 1/2 feet now - enough is enough - and it is snowing right now - not hard, but snowing. Don bought a snow shovel - first one since 1978 - and has used it 5 times since Saturday night.

Every time he goes out to shovel I run out on the porch and take pictures. I figure I should at least show my support - since I am NOT going to shovel.

He is wearing a Crayola hat that belonged to our youngest daughter in the 70s when she was in grade school. We don't have many knitted winter hats around here.

Wall o' snow down our sidewalk

And crow's hat keeps getting taller and taller - this time he has on his christmas bow. And this is after his head was cleaned off of snow one time already.

The wind picked a little bit ago and some of the trees began losing their lovely snow coating.

The poor little car - it will need a big towtruck to get out of here. It is the yellow bit showing on the left of the photo.

Snow boat - to nowhere.

A little summer table, under the trees, and full of snow.

Again - the benches in the yard - they are slowly disappearing. When our kids were little and we lived in Kansas they would call this loaves of bread and would "cut" it with their mittened hands.

More snow on the swingset - soon the snow will be up to the bottom of the swings. I took this with a flash in the dark this morning while Don was shoveling.

Poor cold robins - sitting in the blackberry vines

And here are some pictures of the snow around Bellingham - some taken during the time when there wasn't quite so much snow - it is too slick now to get out and take more - and I don't want to anyway - I've had about enough of this white stuff.

See what I mean about our town being built on the hillsides - every road is one level above the next - making for slippery roads. This is Fairhaven - an older part of town - with a huge hotel along the waterfront and houses marching up the hills.

Cold water rushing under a bridge. Brrr r rrrr rrr

Tunnel o' snow - atop a hill that sits in the middle of Bellingham

All decorated up for the holidays

Brrr rr rrrr - herons sitting in the cold - but the lights are pretty

The old county courthouse - Ben calls it the "counting" court house - he says people count things in there.

And so we sit and wait - as more snow falls - and the birds peck about in the feeders for something good to eat - and the deer wander in an out of the yard. Soon the snow will stop - at least that is what they tell us - we'll believe it when we see it - and now I must go and work on a quilt, since I have plenty of spare time today. Enough already!!! Thankyewverymuch!


  1. I love the pictures. What fun we are having out here in the west with the snow this year! After 14 years in snow country we are having our first white Christmas!

  2. wonderful pictures of the snow's just beautiful!........AT A BOY DON!!

  3. I just love your photos of all that snow, if you are fed up with it send some over to the UK for Christmas!!! we have not had a decent snow fall for at least 10 years now, it's still quite mild here at the moment, though that may change over the next few days, but i daresay not enough to snow, the most we could hope for is some lovely frosty mornings.
    Loved visiting your blog, i will come back and say hello soon.

    Merry Christmas.....Maggie x

  4. Oh my, how beautiful :)...thank you for sharing. I hear that you are done with the snow :), but I must say the snow and the lights, it is like magic.

    Merry Christmas, and say "hello" to the Snow Fairy for me :).

  5. Beautiful photos JoAnn. Thankyou for sharing. We got another 6 inches or more of snow again last night. Gordon and I were out shovelling at 6:00a.m. so he could get the car out, but he couldn't get up the road!
    Hope you and the family have a wonderful, white!, Christmas.

  6. Love all your pix! Nice viewing when you are sitting toasty warm inside, yes?

    Bismarck broke their record held since 1916 for the most snow in December. We are at 25 inches and counting - 3 to six more inches predicted today. Oh Joy!


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