
Sunday, December 28, 2008


The tree is down, the decorations are packed away, the dining room is rearranged, the whole house is vacuumed and dusted, the books are back in their proper place and peace settles over the house. I love this time of the holiday season - the house is nice and clean for the new year - the presents are put away, or used, or just enjoyed - and all is calm. My plan for each New Year's Day is to have the house completely cleaned and ready for a fresh start. And I'd like to wish all my blogland friends a very happy new year!

The Space Needle in Seatlle goes all out for the New Year - filling the sky with fireworks that are set off on the different levels of the Space Needle.

We've never been there in person - but I hear it is fabulous - especially if the air is clear and there is no rain.

I want to wish you all a Happy New Year - - -

May your dreams come true - - - -

In Russian - - -

And in German - - -

And with a fairy in a pretty leaf boat - - -

Dreams and hopes are wonderful things - may yours be grand and beautiful this new year.

I'm not much for resolutions - but I would like to find a word for this new year for myself - and I think I've found it. I wish to simplify my life, my work, my play, my house - just about anything that I touch this new year I want to be simpler and more enjoyable.

I want to enjoy the simplicity - the ease of having less and doing more for others.

I want to enjoy nature more

And look for the joys of simple things.

I want to find a simple time, a simple place - right here in the middle of a busy bustling city - right here in my own small grove of trees - right here in that special spot we call home.

This doesn't mean I am giving away all my possessions, or giving up modern conveniences (I'd hate to have to live without my computer), or changing my life completely. The word simplicity is just a reminder to me to find a calm spot, a slow pace, a sweet connection with nature and my friends - two legged, four legged and winged.

I was surprised while searching the internent for "simplicity" how often it came with a message that we must buy something, or obtain something new in order to simplify. That seems to be the opposite of the meaning of the word, and I think it shows how much I need to simplify - without the buying and obtaining. May the path you choose for this coming year be one that thrills you and brings you peace and happiness.


  1. What a wonderful post - I love the pictures. But your sentiment is even better. I love your word, who couldn't stand a little more "simplify" in their life? The word for the year is such a great concept - you'll find that you turn to it when you aren't sure which route to take. Your word will take you where you want o go.

    Like you, I try, try, try to start the new year with a clean house. The tree's coming down tomorrow, and not a minute too soon. Floors will be washed, carpets vacuumed, mirrors wiped, toilets flushed (sigh.)

  2. Hello and thanks for visiting my blog. I wanted to stop in to answer your question and have enjoyed reading this post. I searched for simplicity this year and have been pleased with how things have gone. I had been on a stash diet all year for both my stitching and quilting. I am enjoying that fact that I am now using what I have instead of only adding to it. It got to the point that I did not see or appreciate anything in the end. I also spend each weekend at our cottage in the woods trying to get back to the basics. It has enriched my life and I plan to continue this next year too.

    To answer your question, the branches are prelit. I bought them at a garden center. They are metal and bend and the lights are florist taped to the them. I have had them for 3 years now and wonder how long the lights will last? It was fun using them this year with my sewing items. They are all things I have in my cupboard and a great way to see them in a different light.

    I just started taking down my decorations in our bedroom. This is the part I really don't like. Want to come help? :)

    Hugs ~

  3. Love the pictures :).

    Wir wuenschen einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!


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