
Sunday, December 14, 2008


Here on the northwest coast of Washington we don't have a lot of snow - but when it snows it is a huge event. The city of Bellingham sold all their snowplows a few years ago because "we don't have much snow" and they didn't see the need for them. Well, since we moved here in 2001 there have been huge snowfalls every year and the roads are impassible!!! It usually freezes just before the snow hits - and so there is a good layer of ice under the snow, making driving on unplowed and unsanded roads treacherous.

Last night we had a birthday party here for our youngest daughter - and a family ornament exchange. We didn't pay attention to the weather and it had started snowing during the party. By 8:30 we had over an inch and the roads were a disaster - but both families started home. We waited by the phone. The family that lives 20 minutes away was home in 45 minutes - after seeing lots of accidents - and we breathed a little easier. The family that lives 5 minutes away called after 45 minutes and they were stuck - unable to get up a hill. We are surrounded by hills - most of Bellingham is built on hills, with houses stacked up one above another. They called a friend with a four-wheel drive to come rescue them as the wait for a tow truck was hours.

They crawled along in the 4 wheel drive truck - having to turn back time and time again because of accidents blocking intersections. Finally - after two hours - their five minute trip was over and they were safe at home (whewww, you can breath now). Then Ben wanted to play out in the snow so they bundled up - put on hats, scarves, mittens, boots and coats and were outdoors for about 90 seconds - the wind chill was just too much for that little boy and he was happy to come indoors and have something hot to eat.

My crow has a big snow hat!

This morning we woke to 6 inches of snow - post card picture snow - but we will be home for some days - waiting for the 4 wheel drive vehicles to make enough of a path for the rest of us to drive on. Good thing we have plenty of food and as long as the power stays on - plenty of heat and hot water. I stood on the porch to take most of these pictures.

The boys' swingset - no swinging on this today.

The big tree out back - the wind is coming up and the snow is starting to fly off the trees.

Ben's car is stuck!! No travelling today.

Garden tiller and "bench henge" - this tiller is decorative only - haven't tilled a garden in some time now.

Close up of the tiller - sitting idly in the snow. Too bad it isn't a snow pusher.

Neighbor's deck - as seen from my kitchen window.

Neighbor's tree - as seen from my dining room window. You didn't think I was going to go outdoors and tromp around to the other side of the house just for snow pictures, did you? Well, did you?

Junco in the feeder - as seen from my studio window. This little feeder sticks on the window with suction cups so I have a close-up view of birds right near the computer and my sewing machine. A flicker was at this feeder, but by the time I got the camera turned on and moved slowly in place for a picture -he flew away.

Bird feeder and suet feeder topped with snow. We've had a lot of bird activity today.

Looking across the road -Hey that boat needs cleaned off before it sinks!!!!! All hands on deck!

Doot doot do doot - lookin' out my backdoor.

The wreaths on the living room window - and these are partially protected from the snow.

Well the snow has started again - and Don is out cleaning off the steps. Don't know where we might go - but at least the steps will be clear. A roast is in the crock pot, bread is rising in the kitchen - maybe I'll make a cup of white tea and enjoy some christmas music - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas - - - - -


  1. Your pictures of the snow are beautiful. If we had any snow around here, everything would come to a standstill! It would be historical, and histerical, too. I don't even own a pair of boots, much less a warm jacket or clothes. I can almost smell that bread baking. Sure wish I had some today. I did bake a batch of CCCs yesterday. It is raining and cold here. I had to put on socks and tied shoes this week, no sandals for a few days now. It does feel a lot like Christmas!

  2. Your snow pictures are beautiful. We lived western Washington many years ago I know how rare heavy snow was at least then.

  3. Glad all your family made it home safely. I would much rather have your snow to drive on than the ice in New England! As a Texas gal....I quickly learned the difference when we moved to the mountains of VA. Here in the Kansas City area, we had sleet and a dusting of snow last night....and it's 3F at my house this morning...headed for a balmy 16! Crazy weather everywhere.

  4. Beautiful snow pictures. I can't believe how much snow you got!
    We've just been getting lots and lots of rain.


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