
Friday, December 12, 2008


I just love blogs - big blogs - small blogs - quilting blogs - nature blogs - simple living blogs - blogs blogs blogs blogs. There are blogs that teach us things - and blogs that show us places we could never go - blogs that tell us interesting stories about life around the world - blogs that challenge us to be better - blogs that show the kindess and best of ourselves. I just love blogs.

JulieK had a give-away of a darling quilt she made. It was in honor of her 118th post. We were asked to tell a quilt story in the comments section. I told of Don's eccentric great-aunts who made a utility quilt that ended up in our family - too worn to be used - so I searched for 3 years and found civil war reproduction fabrics and duplicated the quilt for one of our daughters.

A section of the old quilt made by Don's great-aunts.

The new quilt - made with reproduction Civil War fabrics

Both quilts on the clothesline in the back yard.

My name was drawn by JulieQ and she sent me the cutest little quilt.

It came tied up in rick-rack and I instantly fell in love with it.

My bears think that it belongs to them - and my rag doll that my grandmother made for me when I was six thinks it belongs to her - but they do share - most of the time.

Bunny, enjoying the quilt in her rocking chair. She is over 50 years old now and enjoys a good quilt.

Grampa Bear - just chillin'

Murray and Tumpy both want the quilt!

Uh oh - Tumpy seems to have the upper hand now - but Murray still has the quilt. You boys play nice!!

That's better. Everyone shares. In the back row is Elmo (wearing a San Juan Islands t-shirt brought back from a trip to the islands by one of our daughters) and Grampa Bear. Front row - Tumpy, Lumpy and Murray.

It is a charming quilt - she even hand quilted it - and I am so honored to be the keeper of the quilt. It will cheer me when the days are gloomy - to think of all the friends I've made through blogs.

Thank you Julie K - if you haven't been over to see her blog - head on over and see her wonderful posts.


  1. Congratulations on winning that sweet little quilt! I love how you've shown it with your bears and rag doll. The CW repro quilt is beautiful! I've been longing to make one myself ... even have the fabrics! ... "someday".

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your lovely comments.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  2. How fun to have won the cute quilt! I'll go visit her site for fun!

  3. Jo, you are the luckiest blog winner I "know"! And what a wonderful post. Thanks for making me smile. I love your babies.

  4. well...congrads on the win...lucky's a very cute lil the story of your quilt re-make...lovely story!


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