
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fabric Shopping - what fun!!

On a cheerier note - I shopped for fabrics yesterday. I was looking for tone-on-tone fabrics for a Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt that I want to start.

What a pretty rainbow of colors!

As my regular readers know - I have a rather cushy job - I work a 10 hour day - just one day a week (got downsized from two days a week), and in those 10 hours there is about 2 hours of work, but someone has to be in the office to answer the ocassional phone call and take a payment now and then for the whole 10 hours. When there is nothing going on in the office then I can do what I please - read, play solitaire or even do handwork - so I always like to have a handwork project with me.

Last year I made this Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt - English Paper Piecing - almost queen size - and it was the perfect project to take along - so I've decided to make another.

The fabrics were on special for 2.00 and 2.50 a yard - so I also got some pretty reds, for another project I have in mind.

And some blacks and whites - the bottom piece in this stack is for a blouse for me. Don't you love that rick-racky flower?

When Don came upon me with my huge load of bolts of fabrics the look on his face was priceless. I don't usually buy large amounts of fabric - so he was shocked. But when he heard the price he helped me look for more tone-on-tone colors. He's such a good sport. Most of the pieces are 1/2 yard or 1 yard cuts - since I don't need a lot of each color for the GFG quilt.

The red fabrics are in the washer now - the tone-on-tones are in the dryer - this is going to be such a fun project.


  1. I love that pile of tone on tones!

  2. Glad you were able to get out and about again. I love the rainbow of colors. How did you prepare your Grandmother's Flower Garden for stitching? That is such a pretty quilt.

  3. What a wonderful array of fabrics! I love them all and look forward to seeing your quilt eventually! I love your last GFG, but then I got to see it up close and personal too!

  4. Yes indeed you did - and I love the quilting yoiu did on it - so be ready for another one when this one is finally done. :-)

  5. WOW made a HAUL....I would take each and every piece of that stash. Aren't those flower garden quilts long and time consumming!

  6. JoAnn, I love the new fabrics! The Grandmother's Garden in those tone-on-tones will be gorgeous.
    I'm glad you haven't been touched by the flooding, but feel badly for those that have been put out of their homes. I shouldn't be complaining about all the snow we have!


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