
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My First Ever BOM

I've done it - I've joined a BOM - not one - but three. Can you believe it???!!!??? I have never done one before, mostly I guess because the ones I've seen have been pieced blocks and I'm not that much of a fan of piecing. I love embroidery, hand applique and embellishing -but piecing, not so much.

The first one I've joined is from Gail Pan - a darling Christmas BOM called A Christmas Wish. So far she has only shown one block - the rest will come once a month for 7 months. It looks like it will be a wall hanging size, but I plan to make more than one of each block - or add extra blocks - we'll see as we go along. I embroidered the "love" block for this quilt last night. I added more yellow French Knots around the vine, not because the pattern needed more, but because my fingers just love to make French Knots and I couldn't stop them once they got started. I think it turned out great! It really is straight - just the photo is wonky. Ready for next month.

The second one is from Bunny Hill Designs and has a snowman in a basket to start with, ever so cute. I am starting that one next I think. I have the pattern printed out and ready to pick fabrics for it. Again - hand applique will be my choice for this one. Each month will be the same basket, with something new inside - a clever idea.

The other BOM one is for summer - and I just love it. It is over at Grandma's Kitchen and is called Friendship Flower Quilt. Looks so nice and summery doesn't it? So far we have the layout and the sun block to work on. I have the pieces cut for the sun and will applique them as soon as the snowman basket is done.

If you are interested in joining me in any of these BOMs - visit the blogs and get started. Let me know if you are doing any of these - we can compare notes as we go along.

Happy quilting!!


  1. Oh boy are you going to have fun!! Love them all! I will follow you along as you go.

  2. I've joined in on the Bunny Hill Baskets as well as Seasons of the Heart. Both are applique which I really don't do well at all. I'm hoping this will be the year I improve. Those BOM will force me to try.


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