
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tree spirits - and A Walk at the Lake

We live in a heavily populated area and the parks and lakes are very popular places for walks, picnics, bike riding, walking dogs, boating (no motors allowed), fishing, baseball, hike, horseback rides and playgrounds for the kiddies. We decided yesterday would be a Thrift Store Saturday - visiting our favorite Thrift Stores in the next town south of us - Burlington - but first we wanted to take a walk at our favorite lake. Lake Padden. It is in the middle of town and easily accessible. On summer days the swimming and picnic areas are crammed with people - you almost trip on each other. But on a chilly February morning only the hardiest souls are out there - mostly young people taking their morning run, or familes taking the dogs to the off-leash dog park area.

We set out with our travel mugs filled with piping hot tea (white tea for me, Chamomille for Don), our walking shoes, my walking stick, hats, coats and gloves. The fog was thick as pea soup on the way to the lake and it continued the whole walk.

We started along the paths in the fog - listening to the drips from the branches caused by the thick fog. It was chilly - only about 37 so we walked briskly to keep warm - my trusty walking stick accompanying us.

The trail splits off here - going to the right you proceed up a very steep hill - Don takes that path when I'm not with him - we stayed to the left to one of our favorite places.
Along the way we saw branches dripping with fog - the droplets sometimes dropping on our heads - and
A fallen log with some fabulous fungus on it. They looked like delicate little fans. I'm not an expert on fungi - I just know I love them and take pictures whenever I can.

Almost to our special sacred place - we've been here many times and each time it is just as special - and today proved to be extra special.

As we rounded the last corner - we both stopped still - and then both let out our breath as we saw . . .

The Raven singing. We have been here many time before and we've never seen this Raven before. We could almost hear her song!! A most wonderful tree spirit. We stood in the path for a long time - just looking at the Raven and enjoying the peace of the area.

There was not a breath of wind - but now and then a fern would dip and sway - then another one, far from the first - and this continued the whole time we were there. The fairies were dancing to the Raven's song on the ferns that grew right out of the trees.

The area is criss-crossed with many arching trees - they are bent from the constant moisture and the moss that grows upon them - soft, furry trees.
The Raven is just to the left of this photo.

Just across the path from the Raven
We saw this little pale face on the bottom of a decaying old-growth stump. This area was once covered in giant cedar trees and now and then we come upon a big stump from years gone by.

A small owl-like face appears on this tree, its roots spread out along the pathway. I sometimes see an owl - and then with those two long legs sticking out in front I sometimes see a frog. Changeable tree spirit.

A dragonfly spirit - we often see dragonflies at this lake - and while boating one time two summers ago, several landed on the oars and we got close up views of them. I didn't get a picture that day because moving to get to the camera would scare the dragonfly off - they were the shiniest, bright blue.

On the way out we drove through the fog and these tall trees - the fog was shifting back and forth like a soft curtain among the trees.

Where ever we go, we look for spirits - and this fellow was right next to our deck at a B&B that we stayed at on Silver Lake - about 50 miles from our house. He kept us company the whole time (where was he going to go, anyway?) I love his "hair".

Peeking through the woods - this happy spirit made me smile every time I saw it out the bathroomn window.

There are several spirits in this picture - some proper looking - some sweet. I think it is girls night out and they are attending a fairy dance. Relax your eyes - just let them wander about until they catch the spirits.

This lovely face appeared as we were driving home from the B&B - a guardian of the old fence in the woods.

This is an unusual spirit - showing a face, body, legs and tail - and seeming to fly through the air. One of our favorites from that trip to the B&B.

And sometimes you find something quite unexpected - these prayer flags were strung in the woods far from any house, or driveway. What a nice reminder someone left there.


  1. Lovely. Fog and trees are one of my favorite views here. I got 2 sets of Tibetan prayer flags last year, have given one set to a friend and will hang mine at the farm when I get my little sanctuary built. Sharyn/KalamaQuilts

  2. Such beautiful photos.
    Do you see any quilt ideas in them?

  3. Oh, what a wonderful outing. You got the photos and the text telling the story working together so well! I think the Raven is marvelous and the first little face you saw might have been a Green Man....
    Full moon today!

  4. I just popped by to tell you that your name was drawn for my giveaway!!
    Please email me on with your address details, thank you!!

    this is a lovely post, by the way, I really enjoyed walking the woods with you!

    Leanne x

  5. Wow!! what a beautiful place to take a walk.

  6. What beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing with us.

  7. What a mysterious, alluring place that is! I love your tree sprites. I hope Leanne knows you posted this - she would love it.

    BTW, I saw that you had won Leanne's giveaway. Congratulations! I was lucky enough to have received a similar package from her last summer and I do treasure it.

  8. PS - I totally forgot to say:

    Yes, I can see Raven, but look at him from a different angle and he is Haren.

    Where you see a pale face, I see a fox's face.

    And that creature near the bottom? Definitely Sloth, tho I cannot tell if three toed or not.

  9. What a beautiful walk in the woods. We still have too much snow for me to get out in our woods, but I will look at things differently when I do get out there and actually take my camera with me! We have 40 acres behind the house. Thanks for letting us walk with you!

  10. I enjoyed your walk in the wood, I thought it was very magical. We have some lovely woods like that on Dartmoor, and they are my favourite places to walk.


Thanks for stopping by!