
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Canada Geese in my kitchen!

Now - didn't that get your attention? I thought it would. I love Canada Geese - but not real live walkin' around poopin' on everything in sight in MY house.
But these I love . . .

I advertised on craigslist for vacuum seal-a-meal - and got a response from a lady who was moving. I got to her house and she had ROOMS full of stuff for sale - but I only had a few minutes. I got some really cool sorting bins for the toy/guest room, a bright colored set of rolling drawers for the grandsons' art projects and supplies - and these Geese!

I couldn't belive it when I saw them - sitting there just waiting for me - and I think they were as happy to see me as I was to see them. I knew just where they would go in the kitchen.
Here they are - hung in the kitchen near the window over the sink - ready to begin work . . .

And here they are - hard at work. The towel in the front is one I won in my lovely packet from Leanne - at Somerset Seasons - one of my favorite blogs. Stop over and visit - she'll have words of wisdom and some great photos.

Aren't they just the grandest thing you've ever seen in a kitchen - well besides a good chicken pot pie or a batch of home made bread.

While I'm at it - I'll show you the Bunny Easter House Basket - all done and ready for Easter.

A side view - with the chimney - which is hollow. Ben stores the tiny little Easter eggs in the chimney.

Here is the lighthouse tissue box cover I made for my cousin's birthday - the lighthouse is attached to the front - giving it a 3-D look. I really like this!!!

And more lovelies I picked up at Goodwill today - along with just the right shade of off white yarn that I needed for the Troll House project. I'd show you the finished Troll House but Ben took it home with him for the weekend. It will be back next week.

This set - a candle holder on the right and a ring holder on the left - have the prettiest violets on them, I can almost smell them, they are so sweet.

And what wonderful treasure have you found at a thrift shop lately?


  1. Oh, I love those geese. We have lots of that stuff up around the cottage area. I hate the live ones as they take over a lot of the loon nesting areas.
    Thanks for the visit to my blog by the way and I love visiting you. It's always nice to have new people drop by.

  2. Cute towel holder! Sure glad those geese are wooden. Would hate to think of those messy a kitchen!

  3. I love the geese. When I was working, pairs would come in, lay their eggs and raise their young, leave and return. The first year we had one pair, I named them Lloyd and Lucy Goosey! The next year were the time I left, we had a whole flock of nesters. I loved watching them.
    Did you get the seal a meal from the sale or just all the other cool things???

  4. Oh, lucky you. Your geese are marvelous. I'd love to have them in my kitchen.

  5. I really like your geese, fun way to hang your tea towels.

  6. What a fun towel holder , so cute. The Easter house basket is adorable and the lighthouse tissue box cover is wonderful too.

    Love those little violet trinkets , our violets are starting to bloom. I hope to make some herbal violet jelly this spring.

    Thanks , for the suet recipe in your last post. I am going to make some for the birds next winter. I don't feed them in the spring or summer , they need to eat bugs.

    ~ Many Blessings ~

  7. JoAnn I just love the little Easter Bunny House basket. It is so cute.
    The Canada Geese are wonderful.
    Did you get your vacuum seal-a-meal?

  8. The geese and other stuff from the lady are great but - but - did you get your seal a meal thingy? Because if not I have one I will give you. Dan bought it and it has never been used. Just let me know.

    Whenever I see something with violets on it in a thrift shop I get it for my sister. She is the violet gal. She has found some great violet things when we are together too - including the sweetest violet lamp, and good thing, as her cat had just broken her other lamp.

    I may just be fit enough to go thrift shopping with her on Saturday!

  9. Great fines and I do love the candle holder. Its funny how sometimes you find a little something that just brightens your whole day.

  10. What fun to find something that just fit in your space!

    I used to do plastic canvas years, lots of work in the bunny house. It must look so nice out for Easter.

    Time to go hunting for thrift shop treasures!

  11. I really enjoyed seeing your treasures and your creations. Your tissue box cover and Easter bunny house remind me of projects my mom made when I was little. She was big into needlework of all kinds. I'm going to go to my favorite trash & treasure place, Lene's Web, very soon! She's got a cast iron skillet with my name written all over it.

  12. You're little geese towel holder
    is a real cutie're also doing some nice needlework there.....

  13. Love the flying geese towel holders. My hubby wants a flying geese (appliqued) quilt. I wonder if he would settle for some wooden flying geese? Love the Easter House Basket and the tissue holder. So much time consuming stitching. I do not have the patience for that type of crafting. They are wonderful. Thanks for sharing all the pictures of the quilts. They are wonderful, too.

  14. Lovely geese and so unusual, loved the Bunny Easter house and the pretty violet china.

  15. I like it! Very different and a wonderful find. Don't you love stuff like that?

  16. The geese were great, but my favourite was the tissue box holder.. I love sea themed things, and especially lighthouses! x

  17. My Mom loves Loons (just slightly different from geese) and I am always on the lookout for them.

  18. Those geese are wonderful! I've never seen a towel holder like that before.
    Love the bunny house and your violet 'set' is lovely too. What a find!
    Was it hard to make that tissue holder? I like the 3d effect.
    Enjoy your day!!!


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