
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A fly went by - well not really a fly

The other day I heard some strange beeping and chugging and bumping and general noisy noise. Ben was here and was taking a rest in our bedroom. I looked out the window and saw a man walking backwards up our hill (near the rock wall that gets hit so regularly on snowy days) - and he had a remote in his hand.

Watching him - I saw this come into view . . .

Wait - there is no driver - that is weird. I ran to the bedroom and had Ben look out the window - he was really excited to see a whole house going down the street. He said to me - Oh Grammy, so that is how you got your new house.

Past the boat. . .

Hey - watch that rock wall there buddy . . .

Look out - there is squishy grass there - you might sink up to your axles. . .

Now to get around this corner. . .

Safely around the corner - see the guy on the right with his remote - he handled the whole moving process with this remote - it enabled him to run back and forth and look at the position of the house on the road.

Goodbye house - wonder where it is off to.


  1. Isn't that fun to watch? I couldn't believe it when I watched my DD's house get placed. I'm catching up on your blog--great pictures Jo!

  2. Oh what fun! So is it coming or going??

  3. That is amazing. I wonder how far he has to walk backwards?

  4. I ask, just like Vicky, was it coming or going?
    It must have been fascinating to watch.

  5. Interesting -- I've never heard of it being done that way.

  6. I think my heart would be in my throat watching that. I would be afraid that the house would come off the road to visit!

    Must have been great fun to watch the little one's reaction.


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