
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy National Quilting Day

In honor of this special day for all of us quilters - I have a very pretty quilt to show you.

I went to the library the other day and when walking out came face to face with this quilt. There was no information about it - nothing about who made it - or why it was hanging in the library. Someone did a fabulous job on this quilt and it really made the library space glow. I carry my camera in my purse at all times - in a cute little handmade bag - so I whipped it out and got these photos. You just never know where you will meet a quilt!!

Close up of the center - everything is done so perfectly - and the colors make your eye travel around the quilt. That is the test of a good Lone Star quilt - the movement it gives you when looking at the center.

And the quilting - it is absolutely gorgeous - click on the photo for a larger view - and be prepared to be amazed!!!!

We are going back to the library today, for a puppet show with our grandson - and I am going to try and find out something about this quilt.

In honor of National Quilting Day I will get out the Grandmother's Flower Garden hexagons and make several "flowers". I also have a quilt to bind for a friend -
Before quilting

The quilting from back of the quilt - I snitched this photo from Julie's blog
She does such fabulous quilting!!!!!!

The quilt came back from Julie this week and I bought the binding fabric, so that project is almost complete. Don't you love doing the binding? It is one of my favorite parts - because that quilt is almost done and ready to be used.

What will you do for National Quilting Day? Will you make a quilt top? Or bind something? Or tidy up your quilting space? (I know mine can always stand a little extra spiffing up). Or plan and start a new project? I'd love to hear how you will celebrate this wonderful day, set aside just for us quilters!!!


  1. Yes, handmade quilts deserve a day of there own. I have several old ones and just love them.
    So nice to see you over on my site. Thank you for your nice comments.

  2. What beautiful quilts, such lovely colours, I think you ladies are very talented to make such gorgeous things

  3. OMGosh Jo, the quilting on the Lone Star is absolutely fabulous!! I will be interested in what you find out about the quilt.

    I too love doing the binding, it's always so relaxing, not nearly as demanding as piecing & quilting.

    As I said in my blog, I had grounded myself from using the computer for most of the day until I got another block done, a new one cut out and sew two blocks into a unit; I'm proud to say, mission accomplished. I'm hoping to have another block done and another cut out by the end of the day. It's work but hey someone has to do it LOL.

    Enjoy the day with your grandson!!


  4. What gorgeous work you all do! I looked at the close up and the detail was amazing... Have a Great Quilting Day! x

  5. Hi,
    thanks for visiting my blog so often and leaving such nice comments. I'm enjoying looking at your quilts. I come from a family of quilters and one of my prized possessions is a quilt one of my great aunts made in the 1930s. I made my first quilt back in 1973 for my then boyfriend/now husband. I wish I could get back into quilting, but with two teenagers, a full time job, and all the work that entails, I guess I'll have to wait a while.

  6. Although I don't quilt , I appreciate the beauty and the warmth they bring. My Grandmother was a quilter , she made some beautiful quilts.
    That quilt is gorgeous , thanks for sharing the pic.

    Happy Quilters Day to You !!

    ~ Spring Blessings ~

  7. Julie did a wonderful job quilting your quilt, JoAnn.
    The colors of the LoneStar quilt are really effective, and it is beautifully quilted. It's a shame there isn't some kind of label on it giving credit to the maker and the quilter.

  8. Beautiful quilts and quilting. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  9. Was that quilting done by hand?? I used to quilt, and everything was by hand, just simple designs. I just recently began to realize that folks now send quilts out to be quilted by machines. No wonder they look so perfect and intricate.
    See how much I know.

  10. That is fabulous quilting on that quilt, I need to doodle it and see if I can't do something similar some time.


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