
Monday, April 6, 2009

New Ironing Board Cover - and some other stuff.

I was supposed to have Ben all day today but his mom is sick so they both stayed home. I decided I would try and get some stuff done on the extra free day.

First - the weather is gorgeous - the spring I've been whining for, for so long. It was sunny and bright and warm - I had the doors and windows open most of the day. So then I set to work - washed, dried and folded three tubs of towels, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher (it won't be full for a couple more days), and worked on the Grandmother's Flower Garden Hexagons.

I have a box full of hexagons that have been glued (washable glue stick) to the fabrics and cut out

And a box of the hexagons basted . . .

And a box of hexagons strung like beads - with the yellow center, 6 of the dark color and 12 of the lighter shade - ready to be stitched into "flowers".
Oh - and a little tin full of paper hexagons too.

This is the first official "flower" for the GFG quilt - it isn't quite finished but it wanted to be in the blog too so I let it come in unfinished. I'll finished it up tonight. You can see another GFG quilt that I made by going here.

Then I made some curtains for the laundry room. We've lived here over a year, and I've had the fabric almost that long. It is soft and feels so good, and so pretty, and I got it for $1.00 a yard at Walmart. While I was working on the curtains I happened to read the edge - and it is 100% pure silk - can you imagine - silk curtains in my laundry room?? And silk for $1.00 a yard?? I was pretty impressed. I also made a valance and a half curtain for the long window by the washer and dryer - but have to get some tension rods to hang them up. It looks like the sun is shining in there all the time now.

Next - I decided to re-cover the ironing board. This photo came out fuzzy, but I can guarantee, you DON'T want to see it clearly anyway. I can't remember where, or why, I got this cover for the ironing board. The needle threader is there to show you how big and ugly those blue dots are on the turquoise. Who designed this? And WHO bought it? It must have come on my ironing board, which was used when I got it - because I KNOW I wouldn't have bought this on purpose.

I was at a sew-in recently and there was a stack of give-away fabrics. You bring stuff to give away and you can take from the pile also. I found this pretty rose patterned fabric, a nice heavy, almost canvas fabric and brought it home with me. I didn't really have a plan for it - but it was calling my name, and I didn't want to be impolite and not listen. Once I got it home I knew what it would be. And today it became the new ironing board cover.

Now isn't that better? And it even has a little purple in it to go with the iron. I will certainly enjoy ironing on this - it is so springy and bright.

And that was my day without Ben - dinner is ready (steaks, potatoes, green beans and tossed salad) - I sure hope Ben comes tomorrow so I can get some rest.


  1. Thank you for blurring up the picture of the ironing board LOL.

    I too have fabric for curtains (not silk) for the the's been waiting about 3 years LOL.

    You certainly have plenty of hexes LOL.

    Your dinner sounds much more yummy than our left over pizza casserole.

    I hope you get to hang out with Ben tomorrow too. Grand kids are the best.


  2. Thanks for visiting my blog, Joann. We're almost neighbors, or at least sort of within hollering distance. I had no idea there was a Snow Goose festival! We read about the Sandhill Crane Festival after the fact but found them anyway. I hear there's a new knitting shop up your if I need more yarn or fabric!

  3. You sure got a lot done! I love days like that, but they just don't come often enough. Your curtains look great and funny how we put stuff off like that, and once done, wonder why we did not do it long ago. Hope you have a lovely day with Don.

  4. ...*LOL*...yes, your little 'excuse' wasn't there was he. I'm impressed (and feel a little inadequate) at all you got done'wonder woman' for sure!!! Your curtains look soo sunny and bright..maybe doing laundry will be more cheerful! I drew out a hexagon pattern last night...I want to do some of these too!

  5. Hi you visited my blog and left a comment which I answered on it. I enjoyed your blog and will add you to my blog list as I will be back again.You have great photos and while I sew and would love to quilt but we do not have the stores or traditions that you have. You really got the bargain of the century in the bag of nearly finished quilt toppers!

  6. Wow JoAnn , Love the yellow check curtains , they look so springy and will be a pleasure to look at while doing laundry.
    The ironing board cover looks good too.

    ~ Spring Blessing ~

  7. Nice board cover, isn't that a spirit lifter? Sharyn/KalamaQuilts, too busy to quilt :(

  8. Well haven't you been a busy one. I like that new ironing board cover, I need a new one myself. And your other needle work is wonderful.
    Nancy Jo

  9. wow. The hexagons are fabulous! I was thinking about starting the "love" quilt..the one I save all my kids favorites clothes, etc. for, this weekend since I have the sewing machine out :). I am always amazed at the intricate art of quilts. One day.... :)

  10. The last line said it all!! Wow, you had a busy day. It must have been all that sunshine, nice weather and open windows that made you so motivated. I am happy that your long-awaited spring has arrived.

    It will be in the 50s here today - the nicest day of the year so far, and high 40s and 50s for the next 10 days. We still have a lot of snow but I bet it will be mostly gone by then. Hoping, anyway!

  11. The hexagons look so pretty all lined up in the box! And I love the new ironing board cover...oh, oh, and the yellow curtains! Just read an article on how yellow is the hot design color this that why you waited on making them?! :0)

  12. I love the ironing board cover. I did something like that recently because my old one was gross. I used an old curtain.

  13. Laura - you were the one that inspired me to do the ironing board cover - I just loved yours made out of the curtain.


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