
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

WA swap blocks

I belong to a small internet group - and each year we do a WA swap. This started with a larger group - and I've done the larger group swap since around 2000. Each person makes a 9 1/2" block of something that reminds them of WA state. It can be anything you like - just so it is WA related. There are so many possibilities.

Then you send in the blocks to a central swap hostess - and she (and a group of friends) sorts out the blocks and resends them to the participants. In the larger group you can swap in multiples of 5 - up to 35 blocks, and in the smaller group we make one block for each participant, and one for ourselves.

Having participated for so many years I have a lot of blocks and made two tops from them so far. I am saving up blocks for a third quilt - so each of my kids can eventually have a WA quilt.

This year I am making two blocks - 8 of each - and that should be all I need for this swap. The first block is this umbrella girl - she certainly reminds me of WA - I want to eventually make enough of these blocks to make a quilt for our bed - it will be our winter quilt since it rains so much in the winter here - perfect!

Some are walking this way . . .

And some are walking that way . . .

Tried a fancy stitch to outline her umbrella . . .

Now I just have to sew a cute button in the center of each umbrella.

My first swap quilt top - it is at Julie's, waiting to be quilted.

My second top - Attic Windows - also at Julie's, waiting its turn . . .

Below are some other quilts that the swappers have made. It is so much fun to see how creative everyone is in their settings. I have to decide on the setting for the third set of blocks, once I get enough for another top - I'm almost there - I think I need 17 more.

A very complicated and lovely setting - I might try this one. Sue Bee made this lovely quilt.

Great colors and border to go with the blocks. . .

Blocks I've made for the swap over the years . . .

Blocks made by other swappers.

This is a great swap and I love the quilts that have been produced. It is fun to look at the quilts and think about why someone picked what they did for their block.


  1. Too cute -- I like the umbrella, but really love those boots!

  2. I can really see the state in those! I admit, I really like your apple-mountain!

  3. Those are just beyond beautiful! You're so talented! I love that little umbrella girl. She is adorable.
    Thank you for sharing!

  4. Those umbrella girls are so appropriate! But hasn't it been beautiful the past two days?
    I really like the block with the mountain inside the apple. How creative.

  5. Oh Wow Jo, all of those quilts are fabulous....they make me so home sick. That Apple/Mountain block is awsome!!!!


  6. Great blocks and quilts, JoAnn. It's interesting to see all the different settings. Thank you for sharing.

  7. wow Joann...great quilty goodness!! I love your little umbrella girls....AND the fancy stitch you did on one of them!! Your swap quilt is amazing...that sounds like a fun swap with great results!!

  8. Since I get to fondle your lovely quilts I now have the urge to set some of the 100 blocks from these swaps I have here together! That will be a summer time goal for me when I am on vacation! It's a fun swap!

  9. I was just perusing Julie's Blog and saw your comment. Had yto come visit your Blog and saw the WASIQ swap blocks on here. I was wondering if I needed to get working on my Blocks since nothing has been said yet this year. Cute Umbrella girl, I hope I get one!! I'm almost to the finishing point of my Siggy Block quilt top this week. I did the 4-patch swap twice so am using them to border the slanted stars.


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