
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

It is a brilliant sunny, pleasantly warm, fresh smelling day today - just the perfect day for a get together with our family to celebrate Mothers Day. We will be gathering here at our house at around 5 to eat and talk and enjoy the day. We will feast on roasted chicken and salads of all sorts and a special dessert. The grandsons will run about and have a grand time playing and my heart will be happy. I love being a mother - and I love being a Grammy too. We waited a long long time for grandkids and it is more than I ever hoped for - and I hoped for a LOT. There is nothing like a grandson running down the sidewalk and throwing their arms around you - or a grandson telling you that your house is the most fun of all!!
My grandma holding my cousin, my brother, my mom holding me . . .

Don's mom with Don on her lap in the swing - can't you just see the love in that beautiful face?

Don as a young teen, fishing with his mom - one of her favorite things to do . . .

Mothers Day really took on a new meaning for me when our family started to grow. We have three wonderful kids - each as different from the others as you could possibly imagine - and yet there are such similarities it amazes you. All I ever wanted to do since I was 6 years old was have a big family with lots of kids!!

A new baby at Christmas time and our family is complete . . .

More fun - as the kids grow up . . .

Oh look - a new puppy - Uncle Jeff sure surprised us with that one . . . the kids named their puppy Peanut . . .

Summer in California in the early 70s - they are saying "fuzzy pickles" -
which is what we said instead of "cheese" . . .

With Great-Aunt Dorothy - don't you love the look on Rusty's face?

Ahhh the teenage years - we certainly had fun - a New Year's Eve Party in our family room . . .

And then later the grandkids. As those of you who have grandchildren know, it is a feeling of completion when grandkids arrive - seeing the past and the future - the best of everyone distilled down into these precious little ones. Gives Mothers Day a whole new meaning.

Ben - at the computer . . .

Jahn - eating cotton candy at the fair . . .

Jahn - riding his big wheel at Grammy and Grampy's house . . .

Ben - helping fill the suet feeders with suet cakes he helped Grammy make . . .

The boys at the park - hi ho dinosaur!!!

I wish each of you readers a Happy Day - or Happy Mothers Day - whichever fits you best. May your sunshine be bright - your hugs be plentiful - your thoughts be happy ones.

And now I must go and boil potatoes and eggs for salad - cut up fruit for the fruit salad - set the table in a fun summery look and wait for the families to arrive. Our son in West Virginia already called to wish me happy Mothers Day - so this day is off to a great start!!!


  1. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you too Joann!!
    I loved reading this post and seeing all your old photos!!
    Ya'll have fun today

  2. Happy Mothers Day, I hope you had a lovely day, such precious time with your familyx

  3. Happy, Happy Mother's day to you. Sounds like you have a great day planned....enjoy!!

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you as well. I hope you have a great day.

  5. Happy Mother's Day !

    ~ Hope it's Blessed with Much Love , Peace and Happiness ~


  6. Lovely post, great photos and I hope YOU had a fantastic day!

  7. What a beautiful family! Happy belated Mother's Day!

  8. Hello and happy (belated) Mother's Day! I hope the package we mailed comes soon if it hasn't already... I don't like the post office much these days!

    I love all the pictures you put up - It's so cool to see Rus as a little Rusty :) - helps me put some visuals to his stories.

    We love you and miss you and will see you in September! *hugs*

  9. What a beautiful post! It brought tears to my eyes as I thought of my own past present and futures. Thanks for sharing

  10. Oh what a lovely posting Jo. I so enjoyed the trip down memory lane. It was just my son and I for Mother's Day as Melody and the baby went to spend time with her mother. Sam and I pigged out on fresh Dungeness Crab....nothing else....just crab. We had such a wonderful time together.



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