
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Count down to surgery

The days are passing slowly - seems that tomorrow is still a long ways off. We had a call from the surgeon's office yesterday - another surgeon has an emergency surgery so he got our 7:00 a.m. slot - the surgery will still be tomorrow - but not until 12:30, so we have to be at the hospital at 10 a.m. instead of 5 a.m. That will make the getting up a little easier - but I still wish it was early to get it over with.

Our son is here from West Virginia and we are keeping him busy. His lovely wife couldn't make the trip because of timing - and we miss her so much.

Yesterday we had two trips to Lowes, one to the Re-Store (used building supplies) - and got a lot done in the house. New bathroom lights over the mirrors, a new pendant light in the kitchen over the sink, a new toilet seat, new milk glass covers over the bathroom ceiling lights, a dimmer switch in the dining room, a whirligig (man sawing wood) put up on the top of the wooden swing set and a repair to the swing set where some neighborhood hooligan teenagers broke a small supporting board by hanging on it late one night. Then at 6 we all went to our oldest daughter's house for a "pool party" but the night before, the racoons had bitten holes in the pool - so we just had a barbecue and lots of fun - but no "pooling" this time.

Today we have an awards assembly for our grandson Jahn - he is getting a state award for best reader in his whole school - he is in first grade and reads at a 6th grade level - and before that the carpet repair man is supposed to finally be here (after NINE phone calls) to fix the gap that has appeared in our new carpet - then after that Ben will here all day and our son will continue with the new light fixtures - new school house hanging lights over the kitchen bar and a new chandalier in the dining room. When our house was built 9 years ago they put the cheapest possible lighting in - and it is fun to see the big difference the new lights make. I will get pictures and post about that later - right now it is time for Ben to be here and I've got laundry to do and a dishwasher to run - gonna be another busy day.

My friend Franni will be here on Friday night or Saturday morning to update everyone on Don's surgery. She has agreed to be my guest blogger - and I'm so thankful - as I will probably be too busy to even get home and look at the computer - let alone post.

A big thank you to everyone who has sent good thoughts and prayers and wishes to us - it is holding us up during this stressful time.


  1. I know it seems as though every minute of the day is actually several hours, but Friday will be here soon. Perhaps all of the work being done on your house will help the time go by for you and Don. Know we are right there with you, every step of the way. Hugs, Dena

  2. Sounds like things are real busy there... and that's a good thing while you are waiting. Always seemed to help in my situations when hubby was so sick. Hang in there and I know many prayers will be with you tomorrow

  3. Wow, you've got a lot going on lady, but that's probably a good thing as Sunny has said. You and Don will be in my prayers tomorrow.

    - Suzanne

  4. Glad that you have had some things to keep you busy at this worrying time, hope all goes well tomorrow, our thoughts and prayers will be with you allx

  5. Positive thoughts, God bless ...
    TTFN ~Marydon

  6. Nothing but prayers and good thoughts at this time......I'm glad your friend will be able to update us. I'm sure everything will go very well, too.

  7. You're keeping busy up to the last minute!! That's great - Fingers and toes crossed for you for tomorrow - it will all go smoothly, I know!!!

  8. You have been in my thoughts all day today Jo. I'm glad you are keeping busy...well keeping your son busy LOL. Everything is crossed for tomorrow.

    Huge Hugs!!!!


  9. Thinking of you and your family, Jo. Blessings.


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