
Monday, June 1, 2009

Surgery update

I know it's been a long time - but it has been hard to make myself blog. Thank you to all who have emailed and wondered if everything was ok. It is nice to know we have so many good friends out there in blogland.

We have had a big change in
Don's surgery plans. He had his two month echocardogram to check for any more stress on his heart - and when the cardiologist looked at the results he called me immediatley (not half an hour after the ECG) and said there is no way we can wait until September - the surgery HAS to be in June. That really threw us for a loop - we needed some time to let that settle in. We had the weekend to think on it - and by Monday we were in better shape, emotionally.

Now there are tests and more tests and appointments and more appointments. Today Don will have heart catheterization to check and see if there is need for a bypass surgery. He shows no symptoms and his lifestyle is such that there appears to be no need for bypass surgery, but they will check anyway - no sense in going in twice - we agree. Then Tuesday he rests and Wednesday is the appointment with the surgeon to set the date. We both will be happy when the actual date is known.

So now it is just wait a while - see what the surgeon has in mind for a schedule and wait some more. Our son is coming out from West Virginia for the surgery - he will be such a comfort and help during that time. Our daughters and their families are local and they have been pitching in with errands and chores and whatever has been needed. Our daughter-in-law was plannng on coming out from West Virginia when the surgery was scheduled for September, but with the change in surgery dates she can't get the time off with such short notice - we will miss her - but at least we have cell phones and the internet for keeping in touch.

This photo has nothing to do with anything - just some sheep made from cauliflower and olives - for those of you with way too much time on your hands, let's make some. Plus the picture just makes me smile - and smiles are good right now!!!


  1. Praying that the date of the surgery will be set soon, and that you and your dh will have peace and assurance that this is the right timing. Take care of yourself too.

  2. Everything happens for a reason....and as my favorite aunt always reminded me, God is still on his throne. Praying that the peace of our Lord and Saviour will surround you and Don, and that He will carry you through this time of uncertainty and that you both can just rest in Him.

  3. You know that my thoughts are always with you my friend. With all the positive energy out there, things will progress smoothly.


  4. Prayers are with you and your husband ....


  5. Having serious heart issues, that are controlled ... I know what you are going thru. May you know that my prayers are with you at this time ... positive forging ahead is a big help ... Hopefully, all goes well & your dh will be back bopping around quickly. TTFN ~ Marydon

  6. My thoughts are with you :), many Blessings to you and Don...Make sure to take care of yourself too.

  7. I'll be keeping you and Don in my thoughts.

  8. Thinking of you both. Take care, and blessings and wishes for a very speedy recovery for your DH.
    And big hugs to you.

  9. My thoughts are with you. Sending prayers to guide the surgeon, quick healing for your husband, and strength for the family.


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