
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Don is back to work part time - Let's have the quilt drawing!!!

Don went back to work on Monday - 3 weeks and 3 days after the open heart surgery. We are astounded at the progress he's made. The surgeon gave him his "go back to work" letter on July 2, and said he could go back any time he felt ready - but only part time, and NO lifting, pushing or pulling. There isn't any of that at his work - and for now he is doing only desk work.

He worked 5 hours on Monday - and 5 1/2 hours on Tuesday - then stayed home on Wednesday to rest up. :-) Today and tomorrow he is only going in for 4 hours each day. He is allowed to drive again on Sunday, June 12 - and he is looking forward to that.

When he went to work on Monday he was grinning like a kid in a candy store as he went into the office - he was so excited to be going back to work. He does love his job!!!! And they have been so wonderful to him during this whole time. Some of his co-workers even donated some of their vacation time to him, as he didn't have enough to cover the whole period he was off work. Great people!!!

So - now to the quilt - let's have the drawing early!! There are about 15 people who are sending in donations that I haven't received yet - so we will wait on those to arrive in the mail - and if you still want a chance to win - let me know right away and I'll put your name in and give you mailing instructions for the donations. We have so many entries - and so many donations - you can never begin to know how generous everyone has been.

Also - some of my blog readers have donated prizes to go along with the quilt that I made. Such generosity - and I've added a few items because there are so many who entered the drawing that I want more winners. Here are the prizes.

The quilt - Grandmother's Flower Garden. This is Don's all-time favorite quilt. I hand pieced it - using the English Paper Piecing method, and it was machine quilted (on her home sewing machine) by my friend Julie, in Idaho. She does amazing things with her quilting.

A table runner - made and donated by Barb . . .

A Moda Jelly Roll - donate by Debi . Don't you just want that so bad?

A Bottle Koozie - made and donated by my good friend Franni. She is the one that kept you updated during Don's hospital stay - a true friend. You can pick from a variety of colors and styles if you win this prize.

A skein of alpaca yarn from Linda - she raises her own yarn. :-) Her yarn is from her own alpacas, and she also spins and dyes the yarn herself - plus running the alpaca farm and giving tours and serving on committees and the city council.

A great big thank you to all that donated - you've been so sweet and helpful. For each donation of a prize I put in 25 more chances for the drawings.

And here are some things I am donating . . .

Three different angels - your choice of colors. These are made from vintage hankies and are great for christmas decorations - as reminders of all the angels around us - or for package decorations.

And three heart shaped, crocheted pincushions. These remind me of all the great and generous hearts out there - so many lovely people. Each winner will get to pick their favorite color.

And so - here's what you've been waiting for - the date.

How about July 22 - a Saturday. That is National Needle and Thread Day - a great day for picking winners, since most of the prizes involve needles and threads.

After the drawing I'll post the winners and if I don't have your mailing address I'll be asking you for it. The prizes I donated will be shipped from here - and the other donaters of prizes have agreed to ship from their homes - to save double shipping - again - such generous people.

So get ready - the drawing is coming - I am so excited to see who will win!!! Aren't you??


  1. I'm so glad to hear of Don's progress and so quickly. It seems as though it was only a couple of days ago that he had the surgery. Time for you to put your feet up and take a deep breath of relief. The worst is over.

  2. Oh thank goodness -- that is such good news about Don. What lovely people he must work with, and what a blessing that he loves his job; it will help him recover, I am sure.

    Big sighs of relief, indeed. Blessings to you all -- Cass

  3. I was so pleased to hear Don is back to work, hes done so well and so quickly, just goes to show how well you look after to him.

  4. Hooray for Don and hooray for the drawing!! So many wonderful prizes Jo.

  5. Hi, JoAnn~~
    Lovely blog. Great to read that your hubby's surgery and recuperation have been successful.

    When I first saw your blog, I was intrigued by the banner photo of the rock-lined creek at Whistler, and wondered where you live. Now I have figured it out, and realized that we are "neighbours," as I am in southern BC.

  6. So glad to hear that Don is on the mend and back to work. It'll be your challenge from how it sounds to make him take it easy! Blessings to you both.

  7. It is great to hear how well Don is doing. Your list of prizes are amazing and even if I don't win, I feel like a winner just being a part of this project.

  8. It is wonderful that he has a job he likes. Wouldn't it be awful if he had to go back to work at a horrible place.
    Best wishes to you both.

  9. JoAnn,
    I'm really happy that Don is doing so well. Best wishes to you both.


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