
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Clever quilting friends

I belong to a small quilting group online - we are almost all from NW WA and live fairly close to each other. We get together for the Anacortes sew-ins, go on quilt shop safaries, meet at homes for small sew-ins and have great fun. One of the things we are doing this year is a month challenge block. Instead of doing a swap - we are each making our own blocks.

Each month - starting in August - someone in the group picks a 9" block pattern and we all make it, in our own colors, and in our own time. No time limit, no mailing, and we all end up with 12 blocks at the end of the year. I got to pick the block for September - and several others have signed up for the following months. Then after a person makes a block we post it to an album in our yahoo group. It is fun to see how the blocks are coming out, and the colors that are being chosen.

Here are the August blocks that have been made so far . . .

Some of the photos are wonky - but the blocks are all straight. I've seen several of them in person - they are all wonderful.

And here are the September blocks . . .

Aren't they are fabulous? I can't wait to see what kind of quilts come out of this.

I did this same challenge with another group about 10 years ago. We picked 12" blocks and made our blocks - then we had three months to finish the quilts and we had an online quilt show - it was great fun.

Here is my finished quilt. I chose to put star cornerstones in the sashing. They are fun and easy to make and add such spark to the quilt.

Some close-ups . . . before quilting . . .


  1. What fun. Isn't it amazing how the same block can look SO different when made with different colored fabrics??

  2. What a fun group and fun challenges! I love how each block looks unique with their own colors.

  3. What a great idea. It sounds like you have a wonderful group.

  4. Oh what fun Jo!! I just love all the blocks, that green one in the first set...I have both of those fabrics :)


  5. All the blocks are great, but I love those purple blocks, and your green ones, too. What fun to belong to such a creative group. Have lots of fun!

  6. All your blocks are wonderful and so is your quilt, thanks for showing them

  7. Such individuality, despite it being the same block!

    The quilt you made in the tan hues is just so pretty.

  8. I love the star cornerstones - I think I could figure it out for myself, but can you point me in the right direction for instructions?

  9. What a good idea. All the blocks look so different from one another. It is fun to quilt with a group I bet.

  10. I love the September blocks. Something about that design reminds me of sailboats! That looks like so much fun to see what others come up with. How inspirational!

  11. Your quilt is absolutely beautiful! an d I loved being able to see the individual blocks. thanks for sharing.

  12. Oh, it looks like you girls have had so much fun building those blocks! I love how each block looks so different, tho they are the same!

    the golden squares are beautiful! I am in awe that you were doing this 10 YEARS ago!!???!!! wow, I have a lot of catching up to do!

  13. We are all having fun with these monthly block challenges. I can't wait to see what October's block is.

    Great job on your star quilt.

  14. So let me get this straight...after a year goes by, does one person get sent all the blocks for a particular month? How do you decide who gets what?
    If that's how you do it....and you can make the blocks any color you did you end up with all 'tans' in the last quilt you put together?

  15. Elenka - each person is making their own quilt - you keep all the blocks you make and put them together any way you like. The interesting part comes when you see the color combos and the quilt designs at the end of the year. You have all made the same blocks - and kept them - no swapping - but with different colors so the quilts are strikingly different. One was done in black/white/red, another in blues, another scrappy - all the quilts were wonderful. The challenge is to make the chosen block for each month - not to send it to anyone - but to keep for your own quilt. Saves shipping and you get the colors you want.

    Another interesting thing - so many have commented on my "tans" quilt - it shows bright yellow and gold on my computer - the actual colors that it is. It is a very bright and sunny yellow.

  16. Your quilt is beautiful. I love it!

  17. HI...It's me!!! Joann....this is a WONDERFUL idea! What fun and no postage
    no unhappiness from poorly sewn blocks from other swappers!!
    Your quilt is Fabulous! A great way to learn new block designs and I love it that I wouldn't have to make all the decisions.
    If I lived closer I would like to come play with you guys!!!

  18. What a fun group we are!!! Have you sewn this month's block yet??? I haven't but I will.......then I need to find a block for my turn.
    I love your yellow and gold.

  19. A great idea to get a quilt top made. I am liking the blocks with indigo so much!
    I think the stars you put in the sashing made your quilt wonderful!


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