
Friday, October 9, 2009

Crispy - you are so sweet!!!

I received another package in the mail recently - and it was stuffed full of 30s fabrics, my absolute favorites. Bloggers are such nice people. This package was from Crispy (don't you just love her name?). I met Crispy because she was reading my blog and saw a name she thought she recognized - and wrote to ask if might be the same person she had been friends with when she lived in Seattle - and it was. What fun it was to reunite two old friends, and I became friends with Crispy too.

She is so clever - doing almost exclusively handwork on her quilts. Be sure and stop over and see her blog - you will be inspired.

So anyway - back to the fabrics. Crispy has decided that her taste in fabrics is changing and she now longer is wanting her stash of 30s fabrics - she's going for bolder fabrics these days, and she sent me this nice packet of them.

These will come in so handy - and I love each of them. One can never have too much 30s fabrics.

Thank you Crispy - you are so very generous - and talented too.


  1. What a great package for you!!! Crispy is really a nice person from what I can see. I'm glad she did this for you!

  2. You are so right, Crispy is a special gal!

  3. That's right, never too much 30's fabrics in a stash. Lucky you to have a friend of a friend be so nice to you.

  4. What adorable patterns. Do I spy some funny bunnies on that bottom piece? How nice of Crispy (yes, hilarious name!)!!!

  5. You are so welcome Jo, I just new they were going to a good home :0)


  6. Interesting story of how two friends linked back up via their blogs.
    And nice that Crispy sent you her 30's fabrics. I gave all of mine to a friend quite some time ago and now wish I had some of it. When the time is right for a project, I will purchase some.

  7. Love those purple 30s fabrics! What a nice surprise for you. Crispy is so sweet, and such a good quilter, too.

  8. I love all those 30's prints. Do you know what you're going to do with them yet?

  9. Oh golly gosh gee those are gggreat fabrics. You.Are.Loved!


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