
Friday, November 20, 2009

Today I met Linda Bylsma

Shopping away this morning - up and down the aisle at Walmart - and I saw a familiar face - at least I thought it was familiar - trying to remember - hmmmm could it be? So I passed by - but then again we meet up in the fabric department - ok - it MUST be her - so I ask if she is Linda -a nd she says she is. A little bit of confusion and we finally get it figured out who each other is.

What a sweet lady - you can visit her at her Alpaca and wool and quilting and farming site - she is busier than a bee at a honey convention. We had a nice little chat and soon we will get together to swap out some blocks for a birthday swap Linda is running. We only live 20 miles apart but hadn't had a chance to meet before. It was fun to discover her shopping in the same store.


  1. How cool! ...she looks like just the sort of neat person you'd be likely to meet up with, too!

  2. I've met 1 blogger friend so far and hope to meet others. Did you just recognize her from pictures on her blog? How fun that must have been!

  3. I love meeting blogger friends. I've met several, and I've not ever been disappointed!


    Sheila :-)

  4. Oh, what fun......and for it NOT to be a planned meeting! Just another example of the wonderful world of blogs!!!

  5. You're so lucky!!! Can't wait for the b'day block swap!!!

  6. Golly Gee, you guys and Jo, you make me feel like a celebrity!

  7. How fun Jo!! We will have to meet up when I'm out there. Now that the kids have 3 cars maybe we can work something out..find a half way point for both of us :0).



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