
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We got a new Santa

We used to have a big plastic light up Santa for the front porch. He lit up the porch in CA when we lived on a hill. He lit up the front porch when we lived in a big farm house in WA, way out in the country. He lit up the porch when we moved in town into a cute little 1920s Craftsman cottage - yup, you heard right, Craftsman - like the Sears tools. You could order a whole house from Sears, they would deliver it to your site and you put it together by number and with an instruction sheet. But I digress - then one night - no Santa - no light - NO SANTA?????? Where could he be? Did you see him running by? Was he kidnapped? Did he want to go back to the North Pole? No Santa - we looked up and down the street - no sign of him - we walked around the neighborhood, hoping to find him - no Santa. (Did we really think that whoever stole him would just put him out on their porch?)

Our name for our Santa was Giant Tacky Plastic Santa - and we loved him so. Everyone is the family has been searching for another Giant Tacky Plastic Santa. We had bought him at KMart in CA and had never seen another since then. Until later that same season we saw one sitting on a deck, far, far from our house. Don offered them a princely sum for their Giant Tacky Plastic Santa - even throwing in our sob story - but they loved their GTPS too much to part with him. GTPS owners are that way - they love their GTPS.

You know I love Santas - I have Santas with sticks . . .

A Santa that is a teapot and cup . . .

Santas that are small and light up and live indoors at christmas time . . .

I have painted wooden Santas . . .

Teeny tiny Santas to wear on your ears . . .

I have a quilt with Santas on it . . .

Rolly Poly Santas...and friends . . .

And a Santa that Rusty made when he was in grade school -
made from a candle jar . . . we put Chex party mix in this Santa every year,
his hat lifts off for filling . . .

Here is Don's dad's Santa, used in place of a christmas tree when Don was 12.

I take photos of Santas when we travel . . .
There are Santas that I want to make someday . . .

And my cousins even made Santas out of pine cones -
like old timey ones (and I don't have any of those!)

And even a picture of Don with Santa when he was a darling little boy - dressed up in his fancy duds - but no more Giant Tacky Plastic Santa. Our son-in-law searched for another GTPS and if he can't find it, it can't be found.

So now I am a little happier - I have Medium Tacky Plastic Santa - although it is tempting to call him Medium Giant Tacky Plastic Santa. He is about 3 1/2 feet tall, GTPS was 5 feet tall. I hope that where ever he is - he is happy - and the ones who stole him from our house on Broadway feel very very bad about it. Don't you think that is a dandy Medium Tacky Plastic Santa - or MTPS? I especially like his friend the reindeer. Now Christmas can begin - I have a good Santa.


  1. Yes I think I can say after reading your post that its true you do like Santas. Sorry to hear about your loss of the Mr. Big Tacky Santa. I guess we just have to hope he is happy in his new home.
    We have several of those sears home's in this area, they must have been a good thing they are still standing. But I degress. HA.
    Nancy Jo

  2. You are quite the story teller and production manager, Jo! What a great story! How sad to have lost your GTPS.

  3. I love your story, and I am so happy you found another GTPS even though he is vertically challenged. I love santas, and have a large collection of cast iron door stop santas, plus lots more vintage and new that sit on my buffet every year. Happy Santa hunting!

  4. Just love all your Santa's.... Yep, we have two of those Sears Homes not to far from here!! So retro & cool!!
    ...Happy Thanksgiving .....


  5. That's a sad sad story Jo with a "medium" happy ending. I know what those thieves got in their Christmas stockings!!


  6. What a fun post. I enjoyed all the Santa's - enjoyed reading your story about the GTPS (sorry for giggling at your expense) - and must say I love the sweet photo of Don and the pretty santa quilt!!! GGGrreat post my friend.

  7. My favorite outdoor tacky plastic was a Santa Mouse we had years ago. My husband hated it, and I didn't notice when it disappeared. He finally admitted that he just couldn't stand the thought of it out one more time, so he threw it away. I think of it every time I put out the lights and other outdoor decorations, and wish I had it again.

  8. But do you have a strand of tacky bright red lobster lights? I do!!! And no one has ever tried to steal them . . . yet! heehee

  9. One year in New Mexico bad bad Grinches stole all my little light-up candycane lights and my little light-up creche, too...oh I did cry...a pox upon those thieves who stole your grand and gargantuan Santa...Medium Santy looks to be a fine light-up gentleman and I hope he will have a long and uneventful tenure on your porch!

  10. What a CUTE story. LOL! I am now on the hunt for GTPS. There has got to be one out there with YOUR name on it. If I find it, I will let you know!

    Glad you found MTPS.


    Sheila :-)

  11. I love all your Santas, and your MTPS, too. I also have a Santa teapot and cup. He sets on my kitchen counter all year long (that is mostly because I have no where else to put him!). My kitchen counter is lined with Christmas teapots. We enjoy them all year long!

    I love the yo-yo Santa. I have wanted to make one of those, too, but have never gotten around to it. Maybe we should make it together? I remember when you were working on your Santa quilts.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  12. Love all your Santas. I think I love the Coca-Cola Santa the best. Oh, and I'm off to send you a Giant Tacky Santa joke and I hope you are not offended.


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