
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Merry ChristMESS

Well first of all, thanks to all the friends who emailed to make sure I was still here - and I still am - though it has been since before Thanksgiving that I last posted. Busy time - getting ready for the holidays - but fun too.

I am always amazed at the mess I must make while decorating for christmas -- even though it is fun - it is very messy at my house. We once had neighbors who had the most pristine, spotless house you had ever seen. When she decorated for the holidays she opened the boxes and bins out on the front porch, and the children carried each item, right down to each ornament, into the house and the decorations were put into place immediately. It did help that at the time we lived in the desert in SoCal, you could unpack thinks on the porch without freezing!!! Here it would be a different story - and I'm sure at most of your houses too. Besides, we don't have a very big porch - until we get the deck built next summer.

Boxes and bins of decorations. These all come to our house on Thanksgiving day, after the big feast. They live most of the year in our oldest daughter's garage. I am organized - each bin is labeled with exactly what is in it - it is just that after opening the bins they begin to explode!!!

All over the dining room table . . .

Lights and Santa hats (for the teddy bears) all over the living room chair . . . (don't you just love the one with braids? That is for Sandra Claus)

And the coffee table spills over . . .

But what fun to decorate !!!! How about you - are you messy or neat?


  1. Oh that's great! You do have a collection for sure. With me, it's my Christmas present wrapping area that gets out of control. I can't hardly put it away when I know I may have one last minute gift to wrap, now can I? Be sure to show us when you get it all arranged...that is, IF you have time! And I really wanna see those gingerbread pigs with pink on their backs. Happy decorating!

  2. The house is always such a mess when I try to get the decorating done. This year I've only put up the trees, and may not actually get to anything else at all. I really want to see yours when you're done.

  3. Oh....colossal mess here when decorating is going on...and this year, I am so behind and still not done. Usually I get it all done in two the most...right after Thanksgiving. This year, I'm STILL not done, so the mess is still everywhere. *sigh*

  4. I'm laughing...seeing all of your
    'exploding' Christmass mess!
    Usually by the time I get every-
    thing the way I want's time to put it back up. I have a
    HUGE closet upstairs where all my
    'mess' is stored. I must say...
    each year I haul less and less
    down those stairs...because have to haul it ALL
    back up again!!!

  5. Messy, messy, messy. But then that helps me to clean! Weird.

  6. I'm very clean...I don't decorate :0) this gives me a very stressless Christmas. I love seeing everyone elses decorations so be sure to post pictures when you are done.


  7. Messy (LOL) , that's for sure , but this year since I did the beanie baby tree and I 'm keeping the decorations pretty simple , it wasn't to messy .

    ~ Holiday Blessings ~

  8. Looks like you've got a good start. Moi? I'm waaaaaaaaaaaay behind and getting behinder. Is that a word? LOL!


    Sheila :-)

  9. I am a pig from the get go...oink!!

  10. Oh, very messy! There's always a point where a lot of stuff has been taken out of tubs and there's all the stuff that had to be taken down to make room for Christmas.

    No way we could take our stuff out on the porch, or deck, as it were.


Thanks for stopping by!