
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Check HERE for more Mosaic Monday . . .

It was 46 years ago today that Don proposed. Do you think I should say yes? I was 17 and he was 19. It's been a fabulous 46+ years - so many things have happened and this post is in honor of a wonderful man.

Don has been so many things - and done so much . . .

He's hunted easter eggs with his kids, celebrated birthdays, got them to make funny faces for the camera, played silly games on New Years eve with the kids, and worked and played with them. (click any collage for an enlarged view)

He drove us to the snow in the California mountains in our little green VW Bug, took us on vacations to the mountains with snow and back to the desert in the same day, hooked us up with a covered wagon on the way to Kansas, moved us many times and graduated at the top of his class with many awards - he was elected to Outstanding Young Men of America and was voted most likely to succed in his graduating class at college - he was over 35 and had three kids at home, plus working full time - nothing but straight A's.

He collected baseball memorabilia, was a pied piper, brought us a crooked christmas tree one year, was a cowboy (though he denies it) and built a greenhouse.

He had many jobs - did many different things over his lifetime - and did them all well.

He plays with his grandson, walks behind them to keep them safe when riding in a "train",cuts wood, rides on the Merry Go Round at the fair, over and over and over again, puts together lawn mowers, gets out the "cheese head" hat, and wears super bowl paint on his face with his grandsons.

He loves to help his grandsons put together their toys, rake leaves and play in the snow, play football (or catch Grampy, as it is called) read books and watch the joy of opening christmas presents.

He's been many things - to many people - but always he is my heart and soul.


  1. What a Sweet Tribute to the special man in your life!!
    Wishing You a Wonderful Valentine's Day!

  2. Aww, Jo, that's beautiful. The photos are all so perfect for the words written. Delightful read and thank you for sharing. (now what's he doing with you?)

  3. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful man. You got one of the good ones (me too) :0)


  4. Great Valentine's tribute to a Treasure , you two are Blessed , glad you said "yes". May this day be filled with more Beautiful memories and much Happiness!

    Happy Valentine's Day !!

  5. What a beautiful valentine for your husbnad.

  6. Lovely, lovely valentine tribute. You are a fortunate woman.

  7. Lovely post. Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. What a beautiful post! This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

    Happy Valentine's Day!


    Sheila :-)

  9. Oh, and as for me, I married mine three times and just told about it. ;-)

  10. Good job on marrying a hottie ;)
    Congratulations and many happy returns of the day~

  11. What a wonderful post for a wonderful man. Congratulations to you both!

  12. I think all guys named Don are good husbands. I've been married to mine for 36 years and I've love most moments of it. It is great that some marriages are able to last!
    Lindsey Petersen

  13. Oh that was really something Jo. You two surely are very blessed and your Don is quite the handsome man, dare I say. How is it they somehow keep getting better with age? And that is so sweet that he proposed on Valentine's Day and even better that you said *YES*!

  14. What a great Valentine you have!! Your post is just beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.

  15. What lovely sweet mosaics you show us. Have a great day

  16. What a sweetie and so many great memories for the both of you! Congrats and I wish you many more years together.

  17. My, what a handsome hubby you have had for all these years. This is a really special post. Bravo love!

  18. Wonderful tribute to YOUR man!

  19. What an absolutely beautiful testament to a devoted husband and father! Congratulations to being together for 46 years and counting... Joan

  20. What a wonderful tribute! What a guy.
    Makes us even more thankful to our doctors that they were able to 'fix' the ones we love. Ever so thankful.

  21. Aw, I'm tearing up here -- how sweet! Wishing you both many more years of happiness together! Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  22. Sweet post!
    Reminder: my give-away ends on Friday

  23. Aaaahhhh Joann....I loved this....AND YES....I'm glad you said YES....I think you two are perfect together!!


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