
Friday, March 19, 2010

A quilt every few days or so #11

I made this quilt when the kids were in high school, in the desert in southern California. It is made with the scraps of the clothes that I had made for them when we lived in Kansas. I always saved leftover scraps when sewing, usually for mending, and I ended up with a nice batch of scraps for a quilt. I only wish now that I had saved more.

The pattern is Boston Common - again from a quilting magazine. I simply took random 2" squares and pieced them into the central square and the corner triangles, with blue as the edging. I love to look at this quilt and remember the different pieces of fabric from the kids' clothes.

For many years this was just a flimsy - and at one time I gave it to our oldest daughter to use as a bedspread (still unquilted) I hemmed the edges. Again, years later, when all the kids were grown and moved away from home, I got the top back and hand quilted it when we lived in northern California. It was one of my favorite quilting projects. Beccy helped me pick the quilting designs.

Since the pattern is called Boston Common we picked the triangle quilting, next to the inner square to represent the sidewalks in the Common, then leaves next, for the trees along the sidewalks. Moving out to the outer quilting, the scallops represent the sand on the shore, and then the waves. I decided on Prairie Points for the edge - I think it sets off the squares of fabric. This is one of my favorite quilts and I hope it lasts forever.

Ben, a couple years ago - standing by our bed with the Boston Common quilt on it.


  1. I am lovin' those prairie points!!! I have got to put them on a quilt this year. I really miss beautiful blogging reading through Google Reader. Love your Banner on your blog.

  2. Love that quilt too , it's beautiful and full of memories , so special. Glad you shared it with us.

    ~ Beautiful Blessings ~

  3. Those elements of the leaves, scallops, waves and prairie points are so lovely and fun to learn about. I bet your kids enjoy seeing bits from their clothes in there. My Grammie made a braided rug one summer that I still have and I recognize some of the fabric from my clothes in high school! ~Lili

  4. What a treasure you made for your family.

  5. Looks absolutely gorgeous on your bed. Beautiful job - well done.

  6. LOVE the photo of Ben next to the bed!!! You work is again gorgeous. But how selfish of you to have so many quilts in your home - LOL!!!!

  7. Sharon - you crack me up - but so I've been told LOL

  8. This is absolutely spectacular! What a great story to go along with it. It's truly a family treasure.


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