
Sunday, March 21, 2010

A quilt every few days or so #13

A group of quilters that I belonged to makes comfort quilts for members of the group. Each person that can, makes a block called Jacob's Heart. It is like those woven paper hearts we used to make in school. We make the blocks in colors and fabrics that are favorites of the recipient.

The quilts are for new babies, new grandbabies, new homes - and also for comfort when family members pass on, or for surgeries or health problems - whenever it seems appropriate to send a quilt full of hugs to a member.

One person volunteers to assemble the quilt top, another volunteers the machine quilting - and other donate money or supplies needed to finish the quilt.

I volunteered to make three tops - out of the many that have been made.

The first one I put together was for my friend Vicki - after one of her daughters was in an extremely serious car accident. Her favorite color, as you can guess - is blue - and I had a great time putting this top together for her.

Using a different setting, I made this top also . . . from Batik blocks that members of the group sent me . . .

The last quilt top I made - this one we did in scrappy. I like the way the corners came out looking like butterflies.

When we bought our new house two years ago I received this quilt - done in my favorite fabrics - 30s reproductions. The quilts bring comfort and hugs from quilting friends.


  1. Comfort quilts are such a wonderful tradition. I rarely say no to a request for a comfort block or two :0)


  2. I love those heart quilts and it's such a nice idea for your group to do that for its members.

  3. What great quilts love those hearts.

  4. Our guild has the Hearts and Flowers program going and I make appliqued hearts or Paper Pieced ones and 9-patches to go with them. We've been very busy lately with members losing parents. I just saw your slide show and am awed at how different all your quilts are and mostly hand quilted too. Thanks for making the slide show.

  5. It's so great to see the different settings and colors using the same basic block pattern Jo! Would make for a good guild presentation, letting people know how to add their own flavor to a quilt.

  6. Something about those 30s reproduction fabrics ARE very comforting. Reminds me of dresses and aprons that my Gr. Grandmother wore! ~Lili

  7. Love those heart quilts! I may have to attempt one at some time in the future. Love your slide show too!

  8. Oh Joann....I LOVE...LOVE...LOVE your Boston Common...I think one of my favorites!!!

  9. What great quilts and just a nice group! My guild used the same block as our Feb. charity project block and several quilts were put together for the care center as lap quilts. I like your quilt the best! :-)

  10. I have really enjoyed participating in making these quilts and am saddened to think this tradition may end. Perhaps it is a tradition ACQ should take up.


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