
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sew-in fun

Last Saturday was our monthly sew-in at Anacortes.  More fun, more food, more sewing, more friends.

I was so excited about going that I got there almost half an hour early.  Dena always has wonderful themes for our potluck - and this time it was Steel Magnolias.  Oh the food - we started out with biscuits and gravy, and then for lunch we had ham or beef sandwiches with all the trimmings, barbecued smokies and meatballs, beans, potato salad and chocolate cake - oh, and iced tea by the gallon.

Everyone was very busy with their stitching - and show-and-tell, as always, was super.

Vicki was making baby quilts . . .

Same quilt - different colors . . .

Diane got this quilt back on sew-in day from JoAnn's husband, who did the quilting on his long arm machine . . .

Fabulous colors, fabulous quilting . . .

Love the quilting in the border . . .

Joy made this wallhanging of cats in the quilt shop . . . 

Kitty in a bag . . .

 Oh those kitties . . .

Joy is working on a Baltimore Album quilt - again . . .  she made this quilt once before and now her group of quilting friends is making it again . . .

 Another project that Joy has made more than once.  She made the original wall hanging for a children's summer reading program at her library - and now she is making it again for herself . . .

Ladybugs - I think these are buttons . . .

Vicki's wallhanging - it was a favorite with everyone - we all offered to take care of it for her -  but it went back home with her . . .

Vicki made this wallhanging for the tulip festival on Whidbey Island . . .

We are still working on our Christmas Carol challenge quilts.  We each picked a Christmas Carol to depict on our quilts.  We are at the final step - the last border. This is Daisy's quilt - "Let It Snow"  She is going to add some snowmen in the outer border.

My Christmas Carol is "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" . . .

Close-up of Santa and some of his reindeer.  I still have some embellishing to do - but we've got until Christmas to get these done.

More reports next month - when we get together again and have fun!!!  Do you have a group you get together with for stitching?


  1. Great projects!! I love the kitty wall hanging LOL. I have my hand piecing group but we aren't very prolific :0)


  2. Wow, awesome projects. Lots of talent in that group. Thank you for sharing.

  3. You always have so much fun at your group! Somewhere there must be a quilting group around me, I must see if they would accept a newbee! ~Lili

  4. Such neat projects .... looks like you have a lot of fun! My daughter got tired of me complaining about not having anyone here in KY to quilt with so she did a Google search this week and found a group about an hour away! I will be contacting them shortly. I have not been quilting for the last month, as my machine, etc. is upstairs and I am awaitng surgery on my right knee in June. I am thinking about having it brought down to the dining room ...... you all go on and have fun now and send me a cryin' towel. (just kidding :)

  5. Oh YUM...good food...good quilts...
    and WONDERFUL ladies to share it with!!!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I'm quite smitten with the quilts on your blog. The snow geese photos are wonderful.


  7. Wow -- I love the creative quilting; just beautiful. Each one is so beautiful -- you and your friends are very skilled. I have always wanted to make quilts, never got up the nerve!


  8. Oh these projects were so wonderful to see. What a talented group of ladies! All of these were so pretty. I love the santa in a sleigh on the edge of your Night Before Christmas quilt. laurie

  9. What a great day you had at your sew-in. So many wonderful projects. It appears that there was lots of fun and great food.


Thanks for stopping by!