
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A visit with Linda

A while back I met the most wonderful blogger who only lives about 15 miles from my house.  She lives on, and runs, an alpaca farm.  The farm is the one her husband grew up on and they have now returned and made it into an alpaca farm.  Linda and I have gotten together to quilt at my house, and have gone to the Anacortes sew-in together - but I'd not yet been to her farm - so last Thursday was my chance.  Linda has TWO blogs - be sure and stop by both of them.  You'll be so glad you did.

The weather was gorgeous, sunny and just the right temperature so we decided to have our small quilting group outdoors at Linda's farm - one of our members was off running around New York - but we muddled along without her - hopefully next time she can join us.

First Linda gave me a tour of her farm - and I met the alpacas - almost all 30 of them.  They are very friendly and cute - and would follow us everywhere if allowed.

The welcoming committee . . .

Linda has so many cute things on her farm, from the tin man to a wonderfully soothing fountain . . .

And her flower beds - simply amazing . . .

This is at the entrance to their farm - that wisteria is majestic . . . 
Looking down the driveway - that is one skinny road - but she tells me that the big feed trucks and gravel trucks get down there with no trouble . . .

It truly is . . .

A quilted sign Linda made for Alpaca Shows . . . 

Her gardens are full of wonderful farm things . . .

A view of the house from the barnyard.  Everything is painted a pretty yellow . . .

Some very old apple trees . . .

We sat outdoors just below this cute chicken banner . . .

They are just starting to put in the garden - but the raspberries are already growing fast . . .

This scarecrow means business . . .

And another sign points you to the store where Linda sells Alpaca things . . .

She sells yarn that she spins from the alpaca fleece . . .

Ribbons she has won for her fiber arts . . .

More fiber arts ribbons . . .

 And while we are looking at ribbons - here are ribbons the alpacas have won . . .

There are alpaca mittens . . .

And lots of yarn that Linda spins.  She spun some while I stitched on my quilt on Thursday - she's very good at it. . .

More yarn from the alpacas - Linda dyes her yarn too. . .

And cute alpaca dolls to buy in the store  . . .

Hats, alpacas and fun stuff . . .

We had a fabulous day - Linda made taco salad for lunch.  If you are ever in the neighborhood of Nooksack, WA - north east of Bellingham - be sure and stop in - the store is enchanting and Linda is one of the most fun people you will ever meet.  I feel very fortunate to call her my friend!

Outdoor Wednesday is one of my favorites - and is hosted by A Southern Daydreamer. There are so many wonderful outdoor things to see - stop over and visit a while.


  1. I really enjoyed all the photos! Your friend is living my dream;) and the alpacas are just so cute.

  2. I truly enjoyed your post, visiting Linda's farm with you. I just know you had a fantastic time, she is a wonerful person.

  3. I so enjoyed the visit with you at the farm!! How beautiful!! Even though a lot of work.....
    Have a Great Day!!

  4. Thanks for the pics from your point of view!!! Even tho she posts great pictures too - you give a different perspective!!!!You are lucky that you live so close!!!

  5. What a wonderful day you had!! It would be fun to hang out with the Alpacas LOL


  6. Linda is a wonderful person. I've gotten to know her through blogland and I had no idea she was 'your' Linda. LOL If I was a knitter, I'd buy some of those dyed yarns from her. They look fabulous!

  7. Glad you posted this, Jo! My daughter in PA loves knitting with Alpaca yarn. I'll forward this on to her.

  8. Thank you for such a delightful post about my piece of heaven! It was lovely! And we did have such a good time. Good thing we didn't schedule for this week with all the rain. My yarn is being gently rinsed with rainwater, hanging on the line.

  9. Wonderful post and photos on the alpaca farm. They are such cute critters.

  10. I love alpacas, funny I did a post for Outdoor Wednesday on alpacas too,, They are amazing gentle animals, must look at your friends blog and when I am up in that area go see her farm and shop too.

    Just lovely all your photos.


  11. What a fun day you and Linda had! I love how you did the collage of her flower beds and snippets of scenes from her place, and of course that sweet welcoming committee. And that wisteria is glorious! How ever does Linda find the time to get so much accomplished AND win awards!!! Great post. ~Lili

  12. Great photos! Love the alpacas. The scarecrow is too cute! Thank you for the tour of Linda's Lost River Alpaca Farm!

    ~ Tracy

  13. What an interesting place to visit and shop. Thanks for sharing all the pictures.


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