
Friday, May 7, 2010

Yard work today

In springtime our lawn grows so fast we can barely keep ahead of it - and sometimes it seems taller than us.  My job today was to weed whack - and whack I did.  It is gorgeous out today, sunny, a little breeze to make the wind chimes sing and birds all about. 

A bird was enjoying the birdbath - I actually got this photo from inside the house - the birds kept flying off when I tried to take a picture when I was outside weed whacking.
 This flicker wanted to try the seeds in the feeder that is stuck to my studio window.  He's a little big for the feeder - but diligent at trying to get the seeds.

I filled the suet feeders - here is Ben, earlier in the year, helping with the suet feeders.

A vulture flew over - they are so graceful in flight.  Did you know that as a protection, if you get too close to them, they can vomit an unbelievable amount, and a long distance - so beware.  Still, one of my favorite birds - watching them in flight - and thankful that they clean up things we wouldn't want to.  Thank you vultures.

I could hear this fellow off in the woods.  I was lucky and got this picture of him last summer.

And then there is the squirrel and crow story - all the photos were taken from inside - you know how skittish crows are.  The squirrel would climb up onto the suet feeder and begin digging around. Being somewhat of a sloppy eater, he would spill some of the nuts and seeds on the ground . . .

And along would come a crow - hopping quickly in to pick up the dribbles.  They have been doing this for several days now - and I've never been able to get a picture of them together.

Squirrel taking a break - and not sharing with his friend the crow. . .

I could hear bees buzzing about in the flowers - and caught this one as he worked at the White Bleeding Heart . . .click on the photo to see the bee . . .

The wind made the chimes tinkle - it is a glorious spring day - with scent, sights and sounds . . . 

This is one of my favorite wind chimes.  Someone was going to throw it in the trash at Don's work - and he brought it home to me - it has the sweetest chime . . .

This is the pretty hook it hangs from . . .

As graceful as a real heron . . .

And for fun - a sign in the back yard . . .

I'm glad the weed whacking is done - I sure enjoyed the yard and our wonderful spring day.

What did you hear or see  in your yard today?


  1. Lots of lovely photos, the white bleeding heart is lovely isn't it? I have both white and pink ones in my garden. I'm glad someone else appreciates the splendid work that vultures do, they have a very vital role in the local ecology of the places they live. I shall take care not to get too close though after reading about their unfortunate talent! Not that I have to worry too much as we have no vultures in UK, it's in Africa that I've encountered them.r

  2. I saw snow and a little bit ago a hail storm....welcome to spring in North Dakota LOL. I'll be happy to be in Seattle next week where you actually have leaves on the trees and flowers blooming :0)


    PS - I LOVE to weed whack!!

  3. Great photos! Love the "Loon Crossing" sign! laurie

  4. I really enjoyed all your pictures. I was inside today....doing a big cleaning for weekend guests. Now I can barely move....whew...I am TIRED!

  5. Most of my garden is in as of earlier this week. I have never seen a white bleeding heart, those are pretty. And I never ever knew that about vultures. I like watching them soar too. Your heron is gorgeous. I love crows, but Henri does not, they wake him up too early he says. ~Lili

  6. Enjoyed your weed whacking too , glad you carried us along. Love the chime and the hanger , it's beautiful.
    I've been watching the birds , squirrels and looking for wild weeds to identify. Hubby does the weed whacking around here , I just try to eat them (LOL).

    ~ Spring Blessings ~

  7. Jo your pictures are beautiful as usual. What I am doing in the yard is trying to get Hubby to mow it!

  8. Just blopped by to wish You a

    " Happy Mother's Day " !!

  9. Enjoyed your photos very much!

  10. Happy mother's day! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I LOVE the loon crossing sign!! The pictures of the birds and squirrels are so much fun. I especially enjoyed the white bleeding heart with the bee busily gathering pollen.

  11. Nice photos, Joanne! Wasn't the weather glorious this past weekend?


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