
Friday, July 9, 2010

And another quilt

A while back I went to to a new-to-me thrift store in a town north of here, with a new friend. We had lunch together and then headed to the thrift store, I'd never even heard of it before. Lots of pretty things - nice dishes - some clothes - some furniture - some books - and around a corner in a dark little spot I spied a bag of what looked like quilt blocks.

Stuffed into a plastic bag were all these Dresden Plate blocks - in Laura Ingalls Wilder 70s calicos - appliqued and very good work - a few extra "plates" and even some extra backing to applique them to. This is what they looked like when I got them - just squares. I asked my new friend if she wanted them - she's a quilter too - but she said no, she had plenty to do. Well, not one to leave quilt blocks in a thrift store - and not one to pass up a bargain - I grabbed them. And the price was 2.95 - for ALL of them. I was delirious with happiness - and giddy with quilt blocks.

I tried several settings - searched high and low for that 70s calico look - and came up with nothing. I had some leftover kelly green solid from another project and thought it would look great as sashing - so off I went to the sewing machine - and stitched this top up in a day - and I had to applique two of the plates to the extra background.

I love how it turned out - though I still have to applique the round centers in the plates. I am thinking a dark green calico tone-on-tone that I have - won't take long to get those centers done. I was thinking I'd put another border on - but might just stop where I am - more thinking - but I think I will do the centers and call it done. I love the scrappy look of it - and I found several fabrics that I've used in some of my older quilts in the spokes of the plates. It is fun to have someone else's work with the same farics I used in quilts in the 70s.

I think this is my biggest quilt bargain - well, maybe the 25 cent quilt was the best - but it is old and needs repair - these are in like-new condition and fresh and pretty. What is your best quilt bargain?


  1. I do not think I have a quilt bargain to top that. And you finished it in a day, way to go, you are so speedy. Have a great weekend.

  2. I LOVE IT! The price is killer and how fun that you put your own touch on it!

    I found a box for $5 at a flea market. It was clearly the sewing odds and ends from this man's dead wife. I found a ton of cut out pieces, a couple of test blocks and just random fabric. I can still pick out those pieces even though they are mixed in with my stash. I incorporated her blocks into a couple of samplers I've made and I have more waiting. That has been my best find ever.

  3. Never have experienced any quilt bargains, yet. Your dresden plate quilt is to pretty. I like the green theme. It looks very springy. And your watermelon quilt, oh so delicious! Love it, love it, love it. Great little painting, too.

  4. That is a wonderful bargain and wonderful quilt!

  5. I keep looking, but still NO quilt bargains have I found! Love that pattern and the name of it too, Dresden, sounds elegant! ~Lili

  6. WOW very cool setting and the colors are perfect. Nope, doesn't need another border IMHO :0)

    I never come across bargains like this!!


  7. I'm still waiting to FIND a quilting bargain!!! Maybe someday.....
    LOVE what you found, though!

  8. You hit the mother lode with that! What a pretty quilt! GREAT find on those blocks!


    Sheila :-)

  9. Wow JoAnn , that was a great find. You've added the perfect final touches and it looks wonderful. I bet whomever started that quilt would be pleasantly surprised that someone cared enough to grab up those squares and make it into the beautiful work of art it was suppose to be.

    ~ Be Blessed ~

  10. What a fabulous bargain - great start to what will be a gorgeous quilt! It does make me wonder, though, what happened to the original quilter.

  11. Whoo-Hoo! Such pretty blocks (of course green IS my fave color!)I can just see you doing a little dance when you found that!

    I don't have any quilt bargains, although I have found some fabric bargains along the way.

  12. Me thinks you got a very good bargain!

  13. I don't think I have ever found a quilt bargain quite as good as the one you found. I love the fact that you are on your way to finishing off someone else's UFO. Someone took great care to applique those gorgeous blocks.

  14. Reading your post, I could just see you about to explode with joy!!Glad to have found your blog. I feel as if you are close by again, except we can't jump in the car and go off looking for treasures or ice cream bars...
    Hugs, Lois


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