
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Growing up in Alaska

When I was six we moved from California to Alaska - from electric lights, cars, gas stations, swimming holes at the creek, washing machines - - to living on a small fishing boat, spending winters with the boat frozen in the bay, hunting for and fishing for our food, bears on the beaches, bathing in a big galvanized tub, washing clothes by hand, baking our own bread (well, our mother did that) and skiffs to row around the bay.

Things were very different in Alaska than they had been in California - much more primitive. But our parents were adventurous and so off we went. A family of five and the adventures we had in the 1950s, before Alaska was a state. Come along on our adventures -

I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Wow, that must have been quite an adventure. How long did you live there?

  2. I followed your link and read about the stories from California. I will be back to read about the Alaskan adventures! Excellent writing!

  3. Oh, I definitely wish to read more...I have also become a follower on the other blog--Are we walking to Alaska; I am a follower here already!

  4. My mom lived in the upper interior of Alaska when she was a girl. She said she never wanted to go back LOL.


  5. What a lovely story! There are so many Alaska cruises! I should go just to see the beauty of it all!

  6. Hi JoAnn ~ I visited your blog about " Alaska " last night and read the first post , enjoyed it tremendously. My Mom used to pick-up eggs at a farm like that years ago. Looking forward to reading about your adventures in " Alaska ".

    ~ Be Blessed ~

  7. JoAnn... this is so neat. I look forward to reading more.


    Sheila :-)

  8. Wow, what an incredible experience Jo! I can't wait to check this out...going there NOW! ~Lili


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