
Monday, July 5, 2010

A new quilt

I love making quilts for the boys. You saw Jahn's planet log cabin quilt.

Well Ben liked it so much that I made him one also. I had made too many of the blocks when I made Jahn's quilt, so I had a head start of 14 blocks. I had to buy a little more of the planet fabric and Don stopped by the LQS one day for me - he works about 2 blocks from the quilt shop (and yet he never spends his lunch hour browsing fabrics - go figure).

Now I think I'm done making quilts for the boys for a while - unless something else clever catches my eye.

I asked Ben if I could borrow his quilts to take to the monthly sew-in at Anacortes and he told me that I could, but that he needed them back by next Wednesday, when he is having a quilt marathon. When I asked him what that was exactly, he said it was when he put all the quilts in his house on the floor and made a display of quilts and pillows. I hope we are invited.


  1. Too cute - I wonder who's invited to the party!!

  2. That Ben, he cracks me up. It sure is nice of him to let you borrow his quilt LOL.


  3. LOL! What a hoot! I love the way Ben thinks. And do you think his grandmother might have a wee bit to do with that??? ;-)

    He is a doll!


    Sheila :-)

  4. The idea of Ben's quilt marathon is too cute! I hope you get to see it!

  5. Shirley at stitcherydo on my blog roll has a bird (seagull I think) which can be a boy's quilt.
    I have an airplane pattern, if you want one of those.
    I have a hard time with boys stuff.I usually end up doing music or black things's hard compared to my regular quilts I do.

  6. I posted and forgot to say, that Ben is quite funny! Very cute too!

  7. Oh my gosh he said that? Of course he did. How sweet!!! Gosh, thanks for sharing this with us. You know I was waiting. :)

  8. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


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