
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Handy Quilt Photo idea

Do you have trouble taking photos of your finished bed size quilts? Do they slouch on the floor - buckle at the corners, make the arms tired of volunteers who hold them up? Now maybe you don't have these problems, and have a great way for photographing your quilts, but me, I've got slouchy, buckling saggy quilts.

Well, here is a simple solution.

When we moved into our new house two years ago there was an extra shower curtain rod and I put it away in the coat closet in case we ever needed one.

When I entered my quilts in the NW WA Fair two weeks ago I had to sew hanging sleeves on the backs of the quilts so they could be displayed.

Now - put those last two paragraphs together - and we have the perfect solution at my house, for photographing quilts. Extend the shower curtain rod as far as it will go - run it through the hanging sleeve - get a tall person - or two people standing on step stools - and hold that quilt up nice and flat - no slouching - no crinkles, no uneven corners - and arms don't get as tired because the picture can be taken more quickly since the quilt is perfectly flat.

So yesterday I took a photo of one of the quilts that I had put in the fair, I didn't have a picture of the whole quilt - now I do - and I'm so happy. Wonder why it took me so long to figure this out. Next I think I'll put two hooks on the outside of the house to hook the shower curtain rod to - and no one will even have to hold the quilts up for photographing. And I can take a zillion close ups. Am I clever yet?

Look how unbunched - how nice and even - now to teach my camera to get the photo framed evenly

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More fun at the fair

There is nothing like a couple of boys to make the fair a grand event!!!

The "I've Got Cotton Candy" Dance . . .

Revving up for lots of fun at the fair - have to refuel on Cotton Candy . . . Bubble Gum flavor no less!!!

And then rides!!!

Here he comes . . .

There he goes . . .

Here he comes . . .

There he goes . . .

Holy Face Painting, Batman!

Driving is a tricky matter in these cars . . .

The Batmobile? I love the way he has his arm over the back of the seat . . .

Outta my way!

Jahn and Lori take a spin in the ferris wheel . . .

Jahn was loving the nachos . . .

Batman eats a french fries . . .

Now wasn't that the best fun this year?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Other quilts at the fair.

Yes, there were other quilts at the fair - and oh such lovely ones. It is, of course, always my favorite display at the fair - and I have to walk through at least three or four times. This year I didn't take as many photos, just strolled through and enjoyed the quilts. I did take photos of quilts that I thought certain friends would like.

This was my favorite - I think it should have gotten the Judge's Award and Best of Show - it really was gorgeous. Each duck was different and I love the way the ducks swim along the border - I really admire a quilt with great borders that a lot of thought went into!!!

This one is for Pam - I like the way it makes your eyes move - and maybe even spin a bit. . . and is very very purple!!!

Here you go, Crispy - this one's for you. It reminds me of your work and designs . . .

And this one is for me - all done in 30s fabrics. Aren't those little houses in the border just the cutest thing - again, a well thought out border.

The squares are about an inch and oh so many YoYos. . .

It was a great day at the fair. Such talented quilters.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fair Ribbons

We had such a grand time at the fair - and we won ribbons!!!
So now I have to brag just a bit!!

It would have been just as much fun without the ribbons, just seeing our displays - but the ribbons added more fun! Come along and enjoy the fun with us.

Don entered his vintage baseball gloves and got a First Place ribbon, and a Best of Division ribbon. This is the display in his den.

My WA quilt got a red ribbon. It is a quilt made of blocks that I swapped with WA internet quilting friends. We each made a block depicting something that reminded us of WA. Talented group of ladies. This was in the More Than Three People category.

The blue and white Seaside quilt got a red ribbon in the Original Design category. . .

Santa and Woodland Friends won red in Tied Comforter Division. It is partly tied and partly hand quilted . . .

Hand quilted Yellow Sampler won first place in the Hand Quilting Division . . .

Grandmother's Flower Garden won first place in English Paper Pieced, professionally quilted - thank you Julie. This one really got the compliments on the quilting!!!!

And then it won Viewers' Choice on Saturday.

Here are all the quilts I entered . . .

And here are ll the ribbons I won - and Buddy E. is "helping".

Tomorrow I'll show you some of the other great quilts at the fair.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Off to the fair - sort of

Our first trip in our new car was up to Lynden to the NW WA Fair - to enter some of Don's vintage baseball gloves in the collections group in the fair. We loaded up the car early - it was supposed to get hot (84 is hot for us) and off we went. Smooth ride, AC, John Denver singing "Sunshine On My Shoulder".

When we arrived there was quite a line of people waiting to set up their collections - all sorts of things - from piggy banks to lego creations to comic books and there was even a collection of "I Love Lucy" things. We stood in line and chatted with the other collectors when I spied something - well, spied a little piece of something.

The quilts are hung in half of the same building - and we could see the backs of the last row of quilts. There were little gaps between the quilts and I could see one of mine hanging across the aisle - and after moving back and forth to see sections of the quilt - I spied it - a BLUE RIBBON.

Grandmother's Flower Garden gets a blue ribbon . . .

So I peeked around the edges of the other quilts - to see if I could spot any more of my quilts . . .

And yellow sampler gets a blue ribbon . . .

And the seaside quilt got a red ribbon . . .

It was very exciting and the other people in line were getting in a position so they could look through and see my quilts - we had so much fun!!!! Half the ribbon credit goes to Julie - she machine quilted the Grandmother's Flower Garden and the Blue Seaside Quilt. The Yellow Sampler I hand quilted.

I walked to the front of the building to look down the row of quilts - but I didn't see the other two - there are two long aisles of quilts so they must be in the other aisle - so I don't know if they had ribbons or not. I'm happy with these three!

Oh right - back to Don's baseball gloves.

When it was our turn we went to the display area to arrange the gloves. The collections superintendent picks a spot and you set up you own display. We got a nice mirrored lighted showcase.

Don's gloves are from the years 1905 to 1955 and we made signs showing the dates and the signatures on the gloves. Don has repaired many of the old gloves and oiled them to keep them in good shape. They were quite popular and a lot of people stopped by to chat while he was setting them up. One familiy with four grade school boys was really interested. It was a fun day - but really hot in the fair barns - so we didn't stay any longer than necessary.

We will be going to the fair with our grandsons and families on Saturday and we'll find out if Don got a ribbon - and if the other two quilts won anything. It was such fun to enter things in the fair again, I haven't done it since we lived in SoCal - and we left there in 1987. Now I'm thinking of more quilts to enter next year - got to get busy stitching.

Have you ever entered anything in a fair - and what ribbons did you win?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Oh fun!! And pretty!!!

Well Friday the 13th was a great day. I started out my day by going with Ben and his family to the library lawn where they were giving out awards for the summer reading program. For each child that read at least 15 books - or had them read to them for the younger ones - got a sign for their yard that says "Super Summer Reader", a gift certificate to a local ice cream parlor, a certificate of achievement and another certificate for a free book at the book sale, held after the award ceremony and a hand shake from the mayor. It was a bright, sunny, almost hot day.

High Five Mr. Mayor!!!

Ben on his way to get his certificate! Love the shades!

Next was some running around for errands - then taking Ben to preschool. He showed me around the preschool again and then it was time to go to the car dealer and see what we could do about a "new" car. Our poor Grand Prix was starting to show her age - and starting to cost us money - so we thought a different car would be the best thing. We had found one we liked on the internet - at the dealer's site - and so off we went to wheel and deal. (why aren't those two words spelled alike - wheel and deel - or wheal and deal? Just askin')

And after THREE HOURS - a lot of which was spent sitting and waiting - we ended up with a very pretty, shiny, sparkly (there is glitter in the paint) Impala SS. It has more gadgets than you could imagine - or maybe you can imagine. It starts itself while you are still in the house - it tells you all sorts of information about mileage and trips and your tires and if you can't find it in the parking lot it will beep and flash its lights at you and it will tell you how much gas is left and what mpg you are getting - and what you were getting yesterday. It's kind of a nosy little car, but very friendly about it. It can call On-Star and get all sorts of information - even how to back up and where to turn around if you went past your destination - if you ask it to - I'm not sure we'll be asking.

After signing all the papers we picked up Ben from preschool and took him to dinner, while his mommy finished work and his daddy recuperated from oral surgery earlier in the day. Ben picked the restaurant - pizza!! He even gave Grampy very good directions on how to get to Pizza Hut. As we approached the driveway he said - slower, slower, almost there - such a good navigator he is. The new car has a sun roof, which Ben likes to open - and he calls it the roof window.

One thing the new car doesn't have that our other car had, is a 12 CD changer in the trunk. We are going to miss that. So I made a summery CD holder for the visor this morning before we left for some errands. Maybe I'll change it with the seasons.

If you are local - and looking for a great car and good deal - try Jerry Chambers Chevrolet - and ask for Ryan - who is a super salesman, without being overwhelming.

We had our first ice cream cone in the new car today - and didn't spill one drip! It has been two really fun days. More about that tomorrow - or Monday - you know how I am.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Want some watermelon?

I just love pincushions - and I have quite a few. Some are gifts from friends and some I've made myself. Well this one is a gift from a friend that I made myself. My friend Vicki gave me the pattern for this at the last sew-in in Anacortes.

If you would like to make one go to - click on Sewing Projects and then Accessories - the pattern is on the first page - in two sizes. I made the small one.

There is lots of cute stuff to make there - I especially like the pattern for making a visor. I bought one but don't really care for the pattern on it - so I might make a few. Wouldn't it be cute to have a visor with baseball fabric for the baseball games - and veggies for gardening? Ohhh I'm getting inspired.

Back to the pincushions - do you have a favorite - or one you really enjoyed making?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I won! I won!

I love blog give-aways - and I love winning. Sandi, over at Crazy 'Bout Quilts had a give-away the other day and I was surprised to win. Check out her blog - they are painting and doing all sorts of fun stuff - and it is all quite interesting.

Buddy E wanted to help unwrap the package. He let me open the mailing envelope, he is afraid of scissors and worries he might cut his long, pretty dancing legs.

This ribbon is tied so tight . . .

Cute wrapping - another vintage fat quarter - and Buddy E just can't seem to get the ribbon undone . . .

There we go - all unwrapped - whew - that was a lot of work for a little frog . . .

These vintage fabrics make a perfect bed - they remind me of something - ummm - oh right, sheets!!!

Uh oh - another muddle - here I am - inside . . .

And here is Buddy E with his new friend, Paula Bear. They are trying to think up a project for me to make with the wonderful vintage fabrics. They both say - Thank You Sandi!!!!