
Monday, August 16, 2010

Off to the fair - sort of

Our first trip in our new car was up to Lynden to the NW WA Fair - to enter some of Don's vintage baseball gloves in the collections group in the fair. We loaded up the car early - it was supposed to get hot (84 is hot for us) and off we went. Smooth ride, AC, John Denver singing "Sunshine On My Shoulder".

When we arrived there was quite a line of people waiting to set up their collections - all sorts of things - from piggy banks to lego creations to comic books and there was even a collection of "I Love Lucy" things. We stood in line and chatted with the other collectors when I spied something - well, spied a little piece of something.

The quilts are hung in half of the same building - and we could see the backs of the last row of quilts. There were little gaps between the quilts and I could see one of mine hanging across the aisle - and after moving back and forth to see sections of the quilt - I spied it - a BLUE RIBBON.

Grandmother's Flower Garden gets a blue ribbon . . .

So I peeked around the edges of the other quilts - to see if I could spot any more of my quilts . . .

And yellow sampler gets a blue ribbon . . .

And the seaside quilt got a red ribbon . . .

It was very exciting and the other people in line were getting in a position so they could look through and see my quilts - we had so much fun!!!! Half the ribbon credit goes to Julie - she machine quilted the Grandmother's Flower Garden and the Blue Seaside Quilt. The Yellow Sampler I hand quilted.

I walked to the front of the building to look down the row of quilts - but I didn't see the other two - there are two long aisles of quilts so they must be in the other aisle - so I don't know if they had ribbons or not. I'm happy with these three!

Oh right - back to Don's baseball gloves.

When it was our turn we went to the display area to arrange the gloves. The collections superintendent picks a spot and you set up you own display. We got a nice mirrored lighted showcase.

Don's gloves are from the years 1905 to 1955 and we made signs showing the dates and the signatures on the gloves. Don has repaired many of the old gloves and oiled them to keep them in good shape. They were quite popular and a lot of people stopped by to chat while he was setting them up. One familiy with four grade school boys was really interested. It was a fun day - but really hot in the fair barns - so we didn't stay any longer than necessary.

We will be going to the fair with our grandsons and families on Saturday and we'll find out if Don got a ribbon - and if the other two quilts won anything. It was such fun to enter things in the fair again, I haven't done it since we lived in SoCal - and we left there in 1987. Now I'm thinking of more quilts to enter next year - got to get busy stitching.

Have you ever entered anything in a fair - and what ribbons did you win?


  1. Ohmygosh, this is so exciting. I am so happy for you. THREE blue ribbons. Are you still walking on cloud nine, I would be. hugs:)

  2. Congratulations Jo, that is so exciting and very cool that you both decided to do this again! (Nope, no ribbons or trophies ever won by me.) Do you have a place to store your ribbons? ~Lili

  3. Oh, I won a blue ribbon for a small painting I did on the back side of a piece of glass at a County Fair. When I was 14 years old, or so.....
    You do beautiful wonder you won!

  4. Woo Hoo Jo!!!! Congratulations on your wins!! I have never entered a quilt in anything a situation I hope to remedy once I actually get a quilt done LOL.


  5. I am not one bit surprised at your ribbon wins... your quilts are the greatest! Congrats!! I did win a red ribbon on a tied 8-point star quilt in rusts and blues that I did in the 80's, a blue ribbon on my Bread and Wine painting, several on our proccessed honey and beeswax candles when we had our bees, and a whole wall of ribbons from showing our dairy goats. I LOVED fairs in PA, but haven't been to a one since moving to KY. Gee, I need to get a life, LOL. Glad you are entering in fairs again. You inspire me....

  6. Congratulations on your ribbons - what a wonderful feeling that must be. The quilts are gorgeous, and certainly worthy of the acknowledgement. NWW fair has been one of our favorites in the past, but haven't been there for a few years (and not enough time again this year) - maybe will have to plan ahead so we can get there next year - would love to see your quilts up close and personally, but for now really enjoy seeing your work in blogger-land!

  7. Congrats on your well-deserved ribbons. I especially love the first quilt - the flower garden. When I was a kid 4-H was everything - I entered my dairy cows, cookies, canned beans, and a tree project. I love the fair.

  8. Congrats on the blue ribbon wins! I am not sure if I will make it to Lynden's fair this year or not--if I do, I will be keeping an eye out for your quilts.

  9. Congratulations!!!I must say I am not surprised your quilts won ribbons!!!Can't wait to see how the others did as well!!!
    I did not get my forms mailed in time this year for the juried art show. Sure do love to make trips to Ferndale on entry and pickup days!

  10. Yea on your winnings! I'm delighted for you! :-)

    I have never entered a fair, but on second thought, when I was in high school, I had art work entered by my art teacher for me. I didn't win, but it was fun to have it on display. :-)

    Checking in from break to see what you're up to, and boy, this was great to see! Hope to be back by September. Craziness going on here. LOL!


    Sheila :-)

  11. Blue ribbons! Good for you.

    I think the baseball glove collection was well displayed. Labels make it very interesting.

  12. Oh my, your quilts are gorgeous! Congratulations on your ribbons!

    I hope Don receives some ribbons as well - such a wonderful collection!


  13. Congratulations on the ribbons! Beautiful quilts for sure and much deserving of their ribbons. Be sure to show us your other entries too.

  14. WTG Jo! I actually spotted those ribbons when I was there on Monday, and thought of sending you a note, but didn't want to spoil any surprises....I have two quilts up there that won blue ribbons. Well, parts of quilts! Our small groups row quilts, two of the girls entered and each won a blue! I'll have to get a photo of them while they are up there. Nice to being back to the blog world....

  15. Hi JoAnn ~ Congrats on those well deserved ribbons. Don's baseball glove collection is really neat , Dh took a peek at those gloves.
    I've never entered anything in the fair , but I've been thinking about entering some of my canned goods this year. I need to check on the regulations.

    ~ Blessings ~

  16. How exciting about the ribbons! I just love fairs and ribbons, I have a collection! I have nothing to enter this year if you can believe that! Everything was for someone else or gifts. In our little county fair I am forced to enter quilts in the professional division, but that's okay, there is never any competition! LOL

    I love the baseball collection!

  17. Congratulations on your ribbons. What fun. I hope Don wins a ribbon,too. I have entered quilts in our county fair. I have won a second place ribbon. The kids won ribbons on their Jewelry Box entries, too. Fun, Fun, Fun!!!


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