
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lunch with friends - and some shopping

A small group from our Anacortes sew-ins got together last month at Applebees for lunch and some show and tell. We also brought our UFO lists and our lists of projects we want to make. It was fun - with lots of laughing, talking and good food. We ate our food so fast that I forgot to take pictures. I rarely get pictures of food at restaurants - guess I'm always too hungry to think about it.

Daisy is making magnetic paper dolls for her granddaughters for christmas. The dolls are fabric, glued to magentic sheets and then cut out - and the she does the same with their clothes - such cuties. . .

Susannah is making a crazy quilt - this is her first beautiful block.

Ursula's cute ghostie is almost finished. . .

And Susannah is hand quilting this Baltimore Album block to go in her newly redecorated guest room.

I didn't have any show-and-tell, my current project was too big to take to the restaurant. I probably would have just gotten food on it.

We had a lovely lunch - and then we went to Sewer's Dream after lunch. It is in the outlet mall and sadly it is going out of business.

Everything in the store was 30% off - and their prices are great to start with - and better with the discount. Their flat folds are 4.20 a yard usually - and I found a few that I liked a lot.

I have a project that I want to make - for next fall. It is this Pumpkin and Spice quilt.

This one was made by my friend SueBee - she makes the most wonderful quilts. She gives away her patterns after she is finished and I missed being the one chosen for receiving it - but we found the pattern online. The company that sells the pattern has discontinued it - and when they discontinue a pattern they put it on the internet and you can download it for free. (click those words for the free download) Isn't that the nicest thing? I thought so - and quickly downloaded the pattern.

Here are some of the fabrics that I found at Sewer's Dream - and they were $2.92 a yard after the discount.

And more - I think all these will be great in the Pumpkin and Spice quilt. Next year - when I've finished hand quilting my current project.


  1. What a wonderful way to spend the day. I am glad you had a fabulous time. Shopping and friends are the best. Take care:)

  2. Ooohh! I like the sound of that. "Pumpkin and Spice" . I already have a warm fuzzy feeling about it!!

  3. Oooo lovely projects!! I LOVE the idea of the magnetic "paper" dolls, I'm going to steal this idea for my Grandaughter :0)


  4. What a lovely fall quilt - I'd like to join you in putting that together for next fall - any idea where I can get the panels? Great projects you're all working on!

  5. Lots of goodies to see. I like the magnetic paper doll idea. Very cute. I used to love playing with paper dolls when I was young and designing paper clothes for them.
    The Baltimore block is a beauty.

  6. What a fun day! I love the Pumpkin and Spice project! I'm off to see about downloading it! Thank you. Great fabrics!

  7. Sewer's dream? Like in waste management? Well, to each his own.... enjoy. ;-)

  8. Those fabrics you chose for your project are so yummy I am craving spice cake just looking at them! I bet Daisy's granddaughters will love those magnetic cuties. ~Lili

  9. What a wonderful way to spend the day, lunch with friends and some great fabric bargains.

  10. Sounds like a good time! Friends, lunch, and wonderful fabric purchases. What more could a gal want!? 8-)
    Great show & tells! Thanks for sharing!

  11. What a fun lunch that must have been! Reading this is making me itchy to dig a project out of the closet. :-)

  12. Sounds like a fun day with some creative friends!

    I love your fabrics, and I think they will be perfect in your quilt. Great colors and designs, and great price, too.


    Sheila :-)


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