
Thursday, December 16, 2010

A sweet Surprise

I've had these little angel ornaments since I was five, they were a gift from my father. I had five of them, and over the years, two have disappeared. We've often looked for them, in thrift shops, at yard sales and in antique stores - never finding any.

There is the sweet angel in meditation - complete with her spun angel hair cloud and shiny wings. . .

An angel with a lantern and wings, but no fluffy cloud . . .

And an angle with just her plastic wings - they all have these but they aren't always visible because of the shiny sparkly wings. She has no sparkly wings and not cloud upon which to float - but she holds her star proudly up for all to see . . .

And last week Don came home with the tiniest brown paper bag and inside was this sweet little angel with a candle, and holding a golden ball. Her shiny wings are almost gone, and she has no puffy soft cloud, but the other angels were so happy to see her that they made room on the tree and sang sweet songs together to welcome her. It made me cry.


  1. OH!! Your husband was so sweet to find an ornament that matched the ones your Dad gave you!! He is a keeper for sure!!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  2. How sweet that he found this angel for you!Most guys I know don't "get into" things like this. My hubby surprized me by mentioning to his dad over the phone about an ornament I had made this year. Could have knocked me over with a feather!

  3. That Don, he sure is a keeper!! What a wonderful surprise for you!!


  4. what a guy.....thanks for sharing his thoughtfulness!

  5. Your Don is so sweet & thoughtful. How did he ever find such a perfect gift for you? She is the perfect addition to the little angel group.

  6. I have never seen this ornament before. I wonder how many different poses were made. As a person living with old stuff, I can
    understand how happy you must be.
    I agree with the rest that you've got one fine man.

  7. Don is such a sweetheart. I love all your little angels, and all the ornaments you pictured in your last post.

  8. Oh Jo, that is so amazing that Don found another angel for you, it would have made me cry too. I believe it was meant for Don to find for you. ~Lili

  9. I love your angels, and your story to go with them....and I agree with everyone, what a sweet husband.

  10. Such a beautiful collection of angels and so thoughtful of Don to find one to add to your collection.

  11. There's nothing like having mementos of childhood to bring out at Christmas. What a marvellous find for Don to make - I'm sure the fifth angel is waiting for you somewhere too.

  12. They are all lovely. You'll have to send Don out more often!!

  13. Oh what lovely little keepsakes - and so special to find another!

  14. What a thoughtful husband! and he has a good eye!
    Enjoy your expanded angel group!

  15. She is so pretty and I know your heart jumped for joy.

  16. What a sweet gift for Don to bring home... 8-)

  17. What a sweet story. I love your angels. I have a set of noel angels that were my mom's - they're my favorite Christmas things. I understand how you treasure yours. Your hubby is a wonder.

  18. Oh Jo, the best part of this was the guy with the paper bag who took the time to find your little angel...From the big angel that he is, it was so sweet a story.
    Merry Christmas.


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