
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More Pumpkins and Spice blocks

Here I am - and you thought I had left the country. I got two more steps done on the Pumpkins and Spice quilt - and you can see my blocks and Peg's on Cross-Border Quilters. We are having such a good time

This was last week's block - a variation of Goose Tracks - not the easiest block to make (for me, because I don't care for machine piecing)

And this is the block for this week - it is one fourth of the block from last week, but in a different size. I am done for this week, two of each block, and taking some time off until next week when we chat again about our next step.

If you have never made a quilt with a friend - over the internet - since we live in different countries (ok - so Peg lives in British Columbia and I live is Washington - and we aren't that far apart in miles) you should give it a try - it is fun to see what different fabric choices are made and it will be interesting to see how the two quilts turn out.

Have you ever made a quilt with a far-away friend before?


  1. Jo, I popped over there and left a comment, but I just love this quilt you're making, and those peachy colors are so pretty in that last shot. Love the browns, too. You are a mighty talented quilter, and I love seeing what you do.

    And no, I haven't made something with someone in another country or far away, so I can't imagine how hard that must be. Still, it's challenging and fun!


    Sheila :-)

  2. Love these blocks.....and it would be fun to enjoy making a quilt with a friend.

  3. The blocks are beautiful Jo, I'm in awe of your machine piecing skills :0).

    I've never made a quilt along with a friend. I like doing my own thing and though many make a quilt I am working on, I love not having the pressure to actually get it done LOL.


  4. I have not quilted with a faraway friend, but you make it sound like a must-have experience.

    I'm so impressed with your points - the quality of your work. Amazing!

  5. I love all the soft peachy-orange and brown fabrics you are putting together in this quilt. That does look like a hard block. Do you usually hand piece everything?

  6. No. I'm lucky I get one done all by myself!!

  7. Hopping back by, Jo. Glad you liked the mermaids! :-) XO

  8. Your blocks are great. Sorry you don't like machine piecing. Do you piece by hand?

    I have not made a quilt with a far-away friend, but I have made a quilt from an online group. It was fun to see what everyone else came up for colors.

  9. I guess you already know that I haven't made a quilt with a far-away friend, still thinking about just plain ol' making a quilt to begin with! All your blocks are so perfect. ~Lili

  10. Just looking at those blocks makes me wish for a spicy cup of chai!
    Wonderful on a cool day!


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