
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Flower Seller

Riding along today we saw this!

So of course we had to turn around and go back.

An enterprising young boy - about 11 years old - was standing on that stool - waving at people and selling flowers to earn money for a WII. If you click the photo you see his hands sticking out of the cardboard at the sides and a hole for his eyes in the top.

I told him if he'd let me take a picture I'd buy some flowers - so he climbed back up on the stool and posed for me - and I bought these.

His price was ten stems of sweet peas for 1.00 - so I picked out a nice bouquet and Don handed him 5.00 - at the same time I handed him 5.00. He was puzzled - he said, oh no - they are ten stems for ONE dollar. We told him that we loved his sign and his enthusiasm and his hard work, and he could keep the change. He was excited and said that was more than he usually makes in one afternoon standing on his stool.

My whole house smells of the sweet smell of Sweet Peas - and a hard working little boy is a lot closer to getting his WII.


  1. What a great story! I bet the flowers smell wonderful. What a enterprising boy!! Hope he gets his Wii soon:)

  2. What a smart little boy. Hope he gets enough for his Wii.

  3. Oh, what a nice post for me to read tonight. After a stressful 48 hours of being evacuated due to Hurricane Irene (and worrying about our house....which was, thankfully, fine upon our return), this post gives me another reason to smile tonight! Thanks for sharing it and thanks for being so nice to that young boy and helping him get closer to his goal.

  4. Great story - glad you were there to reward him - I would have been happy to overpay for these lovely flowers. Hope he gets his Wii very soon.

  5. Oh that is nice!!

  6. AWW, what a sweet thing to do for that little boy! The sweet peas look beautiful!

  7. I didn't see him standing there at first! What a sweet young man. Thanks for putting a smile on my heart tonight.

  8. This post makes me happy! :) How sweet is that. :)

  9. How cute is that!! Much nicer than the usual lemonade stand LOL.


  10. Aww - aren't kids wonderful - so cute!

  11. aaaahhhh! aaahhhhhh!!! How cute!!! Yes, he was working hard, especially standing on that stool and not falling off!! HA! I loved the part about him having peep holes for his eyes!!

  12. How cute! He was selling beautiful flowers too! It's so great to see a child working towards a goal, it shows great determination and is very heartwarming.

  13. Awww....that is definitely a "feel good" story to read tonight! That is so cool that you both had the same thought in mind for him, what a lucky little boy who will no doubt remember that and someday do the same thing for someone else too. ~Lili

  14. I love the scent of sweet peas. I'd pay a lot to have some in the house right now.
    That was a nice story.

  15. Thanks for sharing that story , it makes my heart smile. I can just imagine the smell those " Sweet Peas ".
    Hope he reaches his goal.

    ~ Blessings ~

  16. he will always remember your kindness. thanks for sharing.

  17. One day we'll be buying stock in his company :)

  18. What a sweet story. That was one enterprising young man. I hope no one asks him for his permit to sell!

  19. This is such a cute story! What an industrious young man. It would be great to have your post on Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  20. What a sweet story! Sweet peas are one of my favorite flowers - they bring back good childhood memories. And now that boy has a great story to tell, too.

  21. I love to see children excited about finding a way to earn what they really want. Your story was so sweet - and I'll bet that in 50 years he'll be regaling his grandchildren with this!
    I don't know why I'm not following you - will have to go and see about that. I loved your San Juan Islands post - lots of ideas for us there.

  22. What a lovely post, one of life's magical moments for you and the little boy.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. x

  23. Aww, now this is so sweet. Kinda magical if you ask me.


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