
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Summertime Food

Don't you just love the fabulous summertime food? We were taking a drive way out in the country and came across a little stand that said "Mama's Garden" -- so of course we had to stop.

There was no one around, but there were lots of fresh vegetables in big glass-doored refrigerators, so you could see what they had. There was a box for money and signs encouraging you to pick your favorites.

We got one large bag of new lettuce - several varieties . . .

Some gorgeous squash . . .

And the prettiest carrots I'd ever seen . . .

The carrots were even prettied when sliced up for salad . . .

If we are ever back that way we'll stop in again - summer time is so wonderful!


  1. Quite the selection of salad makings. We have a neighbor down the road who maintains a stand selling her garden produce and fresh cut flowers. She grows some of the most beautiful dahlias... Large heads in some of the most vibrant colors. Before moving up to Skagit Valley, I had never seen the 'honor system' at these stands. Hope you and Don enjoyed your salad. Perfect for these hot temperatures we've been enjoying the last couple of weeks.

  2. Those carrots are so very pretty! I'd have put them in a salad too.

  3. Mmmm....looks so good....we've been enjoying fresh veggies (from others' gardens) as well, but leaving them behind with our kids as we head out for another US vacation. We'll be in Burlington for a couple of nights while we stock up on groceries, and I take a run out to Anacortes to see if I can get the rest of the fabrics needed for our next project. Any chance you guys could take a run down to visit Monday or Tuesday evening?

  4. We have lots of places that do the honor system here and I think it's pretty cool having it that way. The carrots look just like the ones I grew this year too, they were even organic, wish I had planted more! What a great selection of veggies they had. ~Lili

  5. OH my goodness, I have never seen carrots that color before. They are really pretty! Every time I go to the farmers market, I notice new veggies that I have not see in the past... new colors, new shapes. Seriously, who knew that pumpkins came in so many different sizes and colors and stripes and squashedness. (Isn't that a word?)

  6. Now those are some high-powered carrots!
    We pulled out a taco salad recipe a couple of nights ago....a great supper on a hot day. Now the cool front is here and I have a chicken roasting in the oven...


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