
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunset At Lake Padden

Another post from summer. We have a favorite lake in Bellingham, it is right in town and has no houses on it. It is a city park and is preserved just for outdoor activities. There are horse trails, hiking trails, baseball diamonds, benches with fabulous views, a swimming beach, a big play area for kids and lots of spots for picnics. No motor boats are allowed on the lake.

It is a popular spot for kayakers . . . click to enlarge and you will see how the new camera caught the flying water droplets from the paddle . . .

The sun was beginning to set - and the view through the woods
around the lake was spectacular . . .

I wiggle the camera a little - but I like the look of this shot. It seems enchanted.

The reflected sunlight on the trees made them look like they were on fire . . .

As the sun set over the lake - the moon came out . . .

Tiny, far away moon . . .

Hello moon . . .

Oh - I am overjoyed - I've wanted good close up pictures of the moon for so long . . .

And as it got darker - the pictures got better . . .

Good night moon!

Friday, October 28, 2011

What We Do On A Friday Night

On most any Friday night we take my cameras, a picnic supper and head for the bay. Usually it is the Alaska Ferry terminal, to watch the final loading of the cars and watch the ferry depart. We see a lot of interesting things on the bay . . .

Like this guy walking on water . . .

Up close with the new camera we see that he is on paddle board - he stands on that - and rarely falls in - as he paddles about on the bay . . . that new camera comes in handy when you can't see something clearly and think it is a miracle happening right before your eyes.

There are always kayaks on the bay . . .

Close up of a kayak . . .

Two guys in a boat - let's zoom up and see what they are doing . . .

Oh - going to put out some crab pots . . .

Sailing along on the bay . . .

Closer . . .

Closer . . .

This guy is working hard - guess he has to pay his passage some way . . .

A little boat on the bay . . . and look at town off in the distance . . .

With a seagull floating nearby - the things you can see with a good camera . . .

Did you look at town in that picture above? This is a close up . . .

There is the bow of the ferry - with a little sailboat in the bay . . .

There - that's better - we can see the boat so clearly . . .

And we look at clouds on Friday nights . . .

Here comes a little black boat . . .

The captain is up top . . .

Can you bear another boat far away?

And up close?

Oh- very close - enjoying your boat ride are you?

We really enjoy our Friday nights in the summer at the ferry terminal. We go in the winter too - but there aren't so many boats out then.

2011 scenery - 9-18-11 ferries and boars

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

There Are Strange Things in the Woods

While driving around Lake Sammish this summer we came across these creatures . . .

I'm not sure if they are hitchhiking or showing the way . . .

The whole family of creatures is here . . .

Mama and the kids . . .

I hope this isn't one of Santa's reindeer . . .

And then we came upon this ROCK wall . . .

You never know when you'll need a good rock in this scary woods . . .

Monday, October 24, 2011

North Cascades National Park

Summer was so wonderful this year - though short, so we took advantage of any good weekend weather and took a day trip. This trip was to Cascades National Park, north and east of Bellingham. We had a gloriously sunny day - perfect temperature too.

On the way we stopped at this farm and took pictures of the poppy garden . . .

Amazing flowers . . .

People used wood pieces in unusual ways in their yards - this crooked limb
made a perfect plant hanger . . .

Another plant hanger . . .

The rocks in Washington are stunning . . .

You can see how massive this rock wall is when compared to our car . . .

Driving along the Skagit River. . .

The river changed at every turn - each view more spectacular . . .

Look out - tunnel ahead - why didn't they warn me?

Light at the end of the tunnel . . .

This was our view while we ate our picnic lunch . . .

Giant cedar trees along the river . . .

Rocks and waterfalls at the dam . . .

And the river again . . .

Scenic mountain views were everywhere . . .

A mountain in the distance . . .

And close-up with the new camera . . .

A unique mountain top - love that zoom !

A day spent in the mountains is so refreshing to the body and soul . . .