
Friday, October 28, 2011

What We Do On A Friday Night

On most any Friday night we take my cameras, a picnic supper and head for the bay. Usually it is the Alaska Ferry terminal, to watch the final loading of the cars and watch the ferry depart. We see a lot of interesting things on the bay . . .

Like this guy walking on water . . .

Up close with the new camera we see that he is on paddle board - he stands on that - and rarely falls in - as he paddles about on the bay . . . that new camera comes in handy when you can't see something clearly and think it is a miracle happening right before your eyes.

There are always kayaks on the bay . . .

Close up of a kayak . . .

Two guys in a boat - let's zoom up and see what they are doing . . .

Oh - going to put out some crab pots . . .

Sailing along on the bay . . .

Closer . . .

Closer . . .

This guy is working hard - guess he has to pay his passage some way . . .

A little boat on the bay . . . and look at town off in the distance . . .

With a seagull floating nearby - the things you can see with a good camera . . .

Did you look at town in that picture above? This is a close up . . .

There is the bow of the ferry - with a little sailboat in the bay . . .

There - that's better - we can see the boat so clearly . . .

And we look at clouds on Friday nights . . .

Here comes a little black boat . . .

The captain is up top . . .

Can you bear another boat far away?

And up close?

Oh- very close - enjoying your boat ride are you?

We really enjoy our Friday nights in the summer at the ferry terminal. We go in the winter too - but there aren't so many boats out then.

2011 scenery - 9-18-11 ferries and boars


  1. Wow! Those pictures are so neat! Looks like a great camera. Wondered where you had been hiding.... now I know ;-) What strength zoom does it have on it and what is the make and model?

  2. What a lot of fun you two have on a Friday night. I love the ballet of boats and people in a busy harbour.

  3. A picnic by the bay sounds like fun. I wish my camera could zoom in like yours!

  4. I love how much fun you were having with your camera! Thanks for including us in your evening.

  5. Wouldn't it be cool to have eyesight like that?! ~Lili


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